  • Jun 18, 2024


    Hey what’s up hello

  • Gangy ❤️
    Jun 18, 2024
    1 reply

    Age 2 but yall ain’t ready for this conversation


  • Jun 18, 2024

    I mean it really depends on when the kid touches the real world and how prepared they are

  • nephew 🦫
    Jun 19, 2024


    What’s good my boy

  • Jun 19, 2024

    When the child are parents or parent-aged

  • Jun 19, 2024

    16-17 you should be aware of your actions and whats good/bad even if not necessarily understanding the severity/impact

    18-22 id say you need to cop the consequences depending on severity BUT leniency given for stupid mistakes

  • Jun 19, 2024
    1 reply
    Smacked Voodoo

    There's a slight "pass" on people 18-21 getting into light kinda trouble, nothing heinous. That's when people will still give the parents flak on some "You didn't get them ready for life from home that well!" kinda s***. It's often in these kinda moments when people 18-21 get some form of a reality check and that their parents can't bail them out every time.

    I'd say that once they get to 23 then it's really them on their own when they f*** up. You're still young, but you definitely should have enough sense by then or some form of grounding.

    I'd also say that unfortunately race does also play a factor into all of this as well. "Jerome get more time than Brandon" in the case of something like petty d*** sale, d*** possession, assault, etc at the ages of 18-21. Let's not forget someone like Brock Turner when he was 19, a six months in jail, out in three on good behavior, ass slap on the wrist. We all know a Black man at 18 is getting locked the f*** up for some time in that same scenario.

    I grew up socially underdeveloped and am autistic. In college, i was able to “mimic” normal people to the extent i could make friendships, but after college I made closer friends and started dating. A lot of the issues with my ability to socialize and handling my mental illness that had been bubbling under the surface came to a head when i was 23/24.

    In hindsight, I was def having some middle school level issues. I figured it out in the end, but it came at the expense of those around me.

    I don’t know how i should feel, but maybe at some point it stops being a moral question, and more of a matter of accepting and moving forward with the consequences.

  • Jun 19, 2024

    I grew up socially underdeveloped and am autistic. In college, i was able to “mimic” normal people to the extent i could make friendships, but after college I made closer friends and started dating. A lot of the issues with my ability to socialize and handling my mental illness that had been bubbling under the surface came to a head when i was 23/24.

    In hindsight, I was def having some middle school level issues. I figured it out in the end, but it came at the expense of those around me.

    I don’t know how i should feel, but maybe at some point it stops being a moral question, and more of a matter of accepting and moving forward with the consequences.

    The consequences of poor parenting shouldn’t be thought of in terms of “punishment” and “being labeled bad”but rather as a means to grow.

    A lot of my current friends grew up in absolute poverty in traumatic circumstances. One of my friend’s dad was a racist d*** dealer who hurt people in front of him. His mom was a meth addict. He came out a helluva lot better, but still does hurtful bpd-esque things to me, and im not gonna sit there and tolerate it. Even tho it’s v impressive how much better of a human being he is.

  • Jun 19, 2024

    depends on the extent of the trauma

  • Jun 19, 2024

    From my personal xp, i feel parents don't do enough to enrich their children so their children look to the outside world to be enriched. Kids are extremely simple and you want your kids to thrive you have to put in the effort as a parent and you get results, s***ty parents alot of the time create s***ty kids,
    that can be from lack understanding/communication breakdown, neglect, not creating stability, not allowing your child to express themselves, creating boundaries and respecting theirs, lack of discipline, lack of exposing your child to good behaviors and what type of results they bring in adulthood, lack of teaching fundamental human skills(respect, looking after yourself etc), all those thing that you don't drill in early really escalate to really bad behavior the older they get.