Why is ISIS attacking Russia?
Russia allied and supported Assad during the civil war and brutally bombed Syria
ISIS/Sunni extremists hate Assad and therefore hate Russia
Damn yall don’t believe ISIS? Lmao
They have a history of claiming responsibility over attacks they didn’t do
Isis claim responsibility? So it was US/Israel
The Israelis also have a long history of doing covert attacks to divert blame towards enemies of the state
What do you mean by “make sense”? I’m genuinely curious as I have the same sentiment towards Islam
I hear so many people say this but never hear why when it’s essentially the same thing as the other two Abrahamic denominations
What separates it?
I guess the fact of everything about the religion being contained in one unchanged text, the clear division between gods singular entity and man in status rather than a trinity of beings, and the overall logic in the morality and law of the religion feels more logical and thus more compelling than Christianity
Also the community is way larger and more unified and less commodified
Bad source?
I'll delete then
What kind of account is that?
They’re very partial and sensationalist without any sources
They’re very partial and sensationalist without any sources
Thanks for the heads up
One must ask why, after seeing two million Muslims subjected to genocide, ISIS would attack those most opposed to the people committing genocide
Theyre mentioning "Islamic state K" in the news what is this
A branch of isis
Blue MAGA are lunatics with cognitive dissonance. People who see american empire control the world currency and have their military plastered on every inch of the world and see nothing wrong with it. Just awful people. Soulless people.
beautiful post, not to d***ride or anything
probably cap? but u never know, i mean there's a chance putin would pull some sht like this fr
probably cap? but u never know, i mean there's a chance putin would pull some sht like this fr
There’s a chance any leader would do this
Thank god everyday I don’t live in a 3rd world country
Brother, one of the largest mass shootings ever committed was in Vegas...
I guess the fact of everything about the religion being contained in one unchanged text, the clear division between gods singular entity and man in status rather than a trinity of beings, and the overall logic in the morality and law of the religion feels more logical and thus more compelling than Christianity
Also the community is way larger and more unified and less commodified
Everything being contained to the Quran isn’t accurate. So much of how islam
Is practiced by different Muslims is informed by sources outside the Quran. Quran is just the foremost authoritative source
Depending on the school of thought and sect the 2nd/3rd/so on authoritative source matters — Ahil Bayt versus Sahaba is one for instance
Islam definitely is more centralized in terms of practice material compared to Christianity but there’s still a lot of variance
One must ask why, after seeing two million Muslims subjected to genocide, ISIS would attack those most opposed to the people committing genocide
We don’t even know if it was ISIS
Again, ISIS has regularly claimed responsibility over attacks it didn’t do
Thank god everyday I don’t live in a 3rd world country
hilariously out of touch thing to say in a thread about the mass murder of 133 innocent people
Everything being contained to the Quran isn’t accurate. So much of how islam
Is practiced by different Muslims is informed by sources outside the Quran. Quran is just the foremost authoritative source
Depending on the school of thought and sect the 2nd/3rd/so on authoritative source matters — Ahil Bayt versus Sahaba is one for instance
Islam definitely is more centralized in terms of practice material compared to Christianity but there’s still a lot of variance
The way Islam is practiced =/= the way a good Muslim lives, even as they remain intertwined
The former is entirely contained in the Quran, the latter is a natural scholarly debate that emanates from various interpretations of the life of Muhammad pbuh and the Quran in relation to the conditions of our time
We don’t even know if it was ISIS
Again, ISIS has regularly claimed responsibility over attacks it didn’t do
That’s why I’m asking the question
The way Islam is practiced =/= the way a good Muslim lives, even as they remain intertwined
The former is entirely contained in the Quran, the latter is a natural scholarly debate that emanates from various interpretations of the life of Muhammad pbuh and the Quran in relation to the conditions of our time
Every scholar would disagree with you regardless of the sect lol .. except Quranists who aren’t even .005% of the total population of Muslims
Most mainstream scholars would go as far to say what you’re saying is kufr/bidya
The way Islam is practiced =/= the way a good Muslim lives, even as they remain intertwined
The former is entirely contained in the Quran, the latter is a natural scholarly debate that emanates from various interpretations of the life of Muhammad pbuh and the Quran in relation to the conditions of our time
What you’re saying doesn’t even make sense. Every religion has complementary texts to the main one that also influences the way it is practiced.
You sound like an ex-convert.