We need to stop calling it ISIS
Obama & Co. is a better name
ISIS has been around longer than before Obama even got into politics
ISIS has been around longer than before Obama even got into politics
don't argue with these mental patients let them live in their comfy worldview
What you’re saying doesn’t even make sense. Every religion has complementary texts to the main one that also influences the way it is practiced.
You sound like an ex-convert.
It is giving r/ progressiveislam vibes ngl
Damn yall don’t believe ISIS? Lmao
I'd believe any other terrorist group in the region before isis. They ruined their reputation of being authentic with their numerous false claims
Maybe i'm super dumb but what does ISIS have against Russia specifically?
Afghan and neighboring countries with US funded terror groups have economic and religious incentive to do random attacks like this.
I'd believe any other terrorist group in the region before isis. They ruined their reputation of being authentic with their numerous false claims
ISIS is the soulja boy of terrorism
What you’re saying doesn’t even make sense. Every religion has complementary texts to the main one that also influences the way it is practiced.
You sound like an ex-convert.
It’s how I was born and taught if anything the only other complementary text I’ve read was Bukhari which is ofc hadith
But, Once again, the sunnah is the basis of (at least Sunni) moral guidance and faithful life practices but it is not the basis of worship
Afghan and neighboring countries with US funded terror groups have economic and religious incentive to do random attacks like this.
The Taliban are opposed to ISIS, they’ve directly fought conflicts against the group
The Taliban are opposed to ISIS, they’ve directly fought conflicts against the group
I mean an attack on Russia being funded by the US is more plausible
NSFL bur ISIS still claims it.
ISIS has been around longer than before Obama even got into politics
Just simply not true
Just simply not true
Yes it has. It was known as something else but it’s been around since 2004.
There’s a chance any leader would do this
i mean yeah but it would be a reach lol
w putin its less of a reach im saying
i mean yeah but it would be a reach lol
w putin its less of a reach im saying
Putin historically hasn’t been exceptionally prone to that stuff compared to American actions
Yes it has. It was known as something else but it’s been around since 2004.
and you think that’s before Obama got into politics
and you think that’s before Obama got into politics
we can’t blame Obama for a jihadist group.
I blame George Bush
It’s a complex situation
When Obama pulled out troops from Iraq in 2010/2011 that allowed ISIS to emerge and gain territory.
Blaming it on an individual or administration over simplifies an issue that dates back for decades /centuries
The whole middle eastern quagmire is too complex to just blame on a few presidents.
This goes for all geopolitical issues but especially in the Middle East
Putin historically hasn’t been exceptionally prone to that stuff compared to American actions
u rlly think biden is more likely to stage a false flag mass shooting than putin? like do u genuinely believe that? i know ur whole shtick is hating america but how far do u take that?
u rlly think biden is more likely to stage a false flag mass shooting than putin? like do u genuinely believe that? i know ur whole shtick is hating america but how far do u take that?
i know ur whole schtick is hating america