  • Nov 8, 2020

    It just hit me

    Isayama only 34 man

  • Nov 8, 2020
    Villainous B

    Too many edge lords out there, site I read the Manga from has comment section trying to rationalise a genocide. Trying to paint this as still being an act of self defence.

    Coming in with takes like:

    personally, I am still pro Eren. No matter how terrible genocide is we as humans have gone through this so many times in our history that we as the West stand atop millions of innocent folk without which we would have never gotten this far. All we have today wouldn't exist had we not acted like we did: Enemies are enemies and they are deserving of no mercy. This world is about how the strong devour the weak. If you are strong and you do not act, you will be destroyed. That is why France for example still has such a tight knit control over its ex colonies. Yes obviously I wish there was no need for murder. Only a monster would want that, but what do you do when you face monsters? Do you give them a chance to start over? To seek revenge? That is the type of mentality that leads to a civilization's downfall. Not because of humane sentiment and compassion but because as long as those monsters exist, whether it's in another country, another continent or another planet, your compassion will be used to end you. Compassion and humanity will never evolve until there is one people, one ruler, united together to allow for such sentiments to persist safely.

    Yeah that’s the type of s*** that makes me laugh in disappointment. Like them niggas be dead serious thinking if it doesn’t end with everybody dead then the whole manga sucks. Niggas are f***ing psychos with they weird ass.

  • Nov 8, 2020
    1 reply

    Isayama recently said the story has 1-2% left so we def finishing by March or April

  • Nov 8, 2020
    1 reply

    Isayama recently said the story has 1-2% left so we def finishing by March or April

    4 chapters left apparently

  • Nov 8, 2020
    Julio Caesar

    People saying either mind control since Eren has Ymir’s power through Paths now or that’s not really Zeke and just a Beast Titan replica made from the War Hammer

    Oh I thought I was tweaking lmao alright yeah that makes sense

  • Nov 8, 2020

    They're definately gonna have to split this last season into 2 parts. Too much to cover and there are still chapter left.

  • Nov 8, 2020
    1 reply
    Julio Caesar

    People saying either mind control since Eren has Ymir’s power through Paths now or that’s not really Zeke and just a Beast Titan replica made from the War Hammer

    Julio you read this s*** too?

  • Nov 8, 2020

    Julio you read this s*** too?


  • Nov 9, 2020
    1 reply

    The only possible solution here is Armin convincing Eren. I don’t see any other way

    they have to find the tree and the spine creature that gave ymir her powers, hell i wouldn't be surprised if she gave birth to it

  • Nov 9, 2020

    They need to find that tree or spine monster and since it's the last mystery of the series, there's no doubt it's going to return.

  • That panel with the baby

  • Nov 9, 2020
    1 reply

    they have to find the tree and the spine creature that gave ymir her powers, hell i wouldn't be surprised if she gave birth to it

    I really hope we get an explanation for the tree

  • Nov 9, 2020

    This story is coming full circle, the world is becoming the post apocalyptic hellscape that it was initially painted to be.

  • Nov 9, 2020

    4 chapters left apparently

    Can't believe this going to end soon

  • Nov 9, 2020
    2 replies

    I really hope we get an explanation for the tree

    Narratively speaking, do we really need one? It could just be like the Alien spaceship from Inuyashiki, or the Zombie outbreak from the Walking Dead.

  • Nov 9, 2020

    Eren achieved what he wanted in 130. The question is how far the Rumbling goes.

  • Nov 9, 2020

    Narratively speaking, do we really need one? It could just be like the Alien spaceship from Inuyashiki, or the Zombie outbreak from the Walking Dead.

    We don't.

  • Nov 10, 2020

    the last page of 132

  • Nov 10, 2020

    havent read 133 or 134 yet should i just wait for the anime? 132 hit me hard bros..

  • Nov 10, 2020

    Narratively speaking, do we really need one? It could just be like the Alien spaceship from Inuyashiki, or the Zombie outbreak from the Walking Dead.

    Not really but I’m craving an answer for it. Would love an explanation for some other theories too

  • Holy s*** this chapter was intense. The end is near guys

  • Nov 11, 2020

    Gonna try and catch up with the manga. Feels like I'm missing out lol

    Gonna start reading from chapter 91

  • Nov 11, 2020

    when i was in this thread on ktt 1 someone spoiled some s*** for me lmao smh so i’ve been keeping distance but ima start my rewatch for dec 7

  • Nov 15, 2020
