  • Mar 7, 2023
    2 replies

    Self-improvement, but at a practical level

    Depends on the girls they're at trying to get laid, in some cases they'll have to pull alot more than their capacity,
    it may be nicer to start with an average to ugly girl, or even a very fat girl, you know what i mean? Or even an older one

    No, that’s not necessarily true. You can start with decently looking women that you aren’t afraid to only shuffle in and out of your room at night .

    I’m saying this because very attractive men are NOT settling down with a women equal to them in looks , (top 10%men).

    Thus a good chunk of men end (top 15%-20%) up with some fine ass women who VERY OFTEN are significantly to slightly better looking than the man is . Go walk around the mall and look at a few couples . Seriously, go and you’ll see HELLA dudes with women who look noticeably less attractive than there female partners .

    Thus you don’t have to be at the too 10% to get decent women , just around the top %15-%20, which is much more achievable for the vast majority of the male population.

  • Mar 7, 2023
    2 replies

    Mostly every male on Tinder is ugly as f***. They look like bums who put literally no effort into their hygiene, hair, weight, or fashion and quality of their photos .

    THAT is the reason men aren’t getting any p****, a lot are NOT taking care of themselves;
    and/or are not FULLY investing into theirselves physically and emotionally

    These bums are so socially inept that it somehow manages to bleed into every post and every (shitty) hot take they have on their online presence. And tbh that’s pretty impressive to me, if not kinda depressing lol

    I’m high as f*** so forgive me on the tangy essay

    spot on tbh, hook up culture created this importance around being cool, having s***and going plenty of conventional attractive partners. Takes away from what really everybody should be focusing on, improving the self. I don't think a lot of people truly realize what a little self care can do for you, especially the, 'sadder', men that use those apps like tinder.

  • Mar 7, 2023
    2 replies

    spot on tbh, hook up culture created this importance around being cool, having s***and going plenty of conventional attractive partners. Takes away from what really everybody should be focusing on, improving the self. I don't think a lot of people truly realize what a little self care can do for you, especially the, 'sadder', men that use those apps like tinder.

    I’m happy to not have been apart of Tinder culture, can’t imagine what all of you youngsters are going through. My son, who just started high school last year, is gearing up for dating and I’m teaching him the proper etiquettes.

    Last year he went on his first date and I forced him to trim his nose hair, take a s*** before the date, wear nice clothes, use deodorant, and chew gum (mint flavored). It’s important to teach these young men the ins and outs of taking care of yourself.

  • Mar 7, 2023
    1 reply

    Have a feeling this thread is gonna get real weird.

    Hassan inflating those numbers for turkey though

  • Mar 7, 2023
    3 replies

    spot on tbh, hook up culture created this importance around being cool, having s***and going plenty of conventional attractive partners. Takes away from what really everybody should be focusing on, improving the self. I don't think a lot of people truly realize what a little self care can do for you, especially the, 'sadder', men that use those apps like tinder.

    Crazy what a haircut, a nice set of clothes, and a happy , upbeat, carefree mood would do to some men lol.

    These men be so focused comparing themselves to all of the freakishly attractive men out there only to never realize that they too are very beautiful people. They are just too blinded by their self hate and pity to ever notice the potential in themselves

  • Mar 7, 2023
    1 reply

    No, that’s not necessarily true. You can start with decently looking women that you aren’t afraid to only shuffle in and out of your room at night .

    I’m saying this because very attractive men are NOT settling down with a women equal to them in looks , (top 10%men).

    Thus a good chunk of men end (top 15%-20%) up with some fine ass women who VERY OFTEN are significantly to slightly better looking than the man is . Go walk around the mall and look at a few couples . Seriously, go and you’ll see HELLA dudes with women who look noticeably less attractive than there female partners .

    Thus you don’t have to be at the too 10% to get decent women , just around the top %15-%20, which is much more achievable for the vast majority of the male population.

    tbh alot of these women just want someone who provides, and im talking from my observation of this market

  • Mar 7, 2023
    1 reply

    Iceland niggas just casually mentioning they f***ing their cousins. Aint that many women in that country for all that fr.

  • Mar 7, 2023
    1 reply

    If you hear from any ole dude, every nigga in the world done took down like 20 b****es.

  • Mar 7, 2023

    Doing my part to keep the average down

  • Mar 7, 2023
    1 reply
    Love Life Utopia

    I like how they only included South Africa cause they know African countries would acquire the whole top 10. You could average 2-3 bodies a day, it’s too easy

    The women are unkept.

  • Mar 7, 2023
    1 reply

    Been hearing for years that japan have a problem in this department so i'm surprised they are higher than the UK and just below US

    Niggas be paying for hoes instead of f***ing their wives.

  • Mar 7, 2023

    I got 4, and I’m still stunned that I manage that.

  • Mar 7, 2023
    2 replies
    Sol Sabbath

    If you hear from any ole dude, every nigga in the world done took down like 20 b****es.

    That’s realistic. Imagine from the age of 15 to 25 you f***ed 2 different girls a year MAX. That’s 20 bodies.

    Crazy how 20bodies sounds like a lot but tbh it’s actually realistic for many

  • Mar 7, 2023
    Sol Sabbath

    Niggas be paying for hoes instead of f***ing their wives.

    Niggas be marrying women that they see as long term convenient p****.
    But that p**** don’t got long term chemistry/compatibility so they cheat instead of ending the marriage like a man.

    In short Niggas be acting like P**** to get more p****. That’s 2023 in a nutshell I guess .

  • Mar 7, 2023
    1 reply

    That’s realistic. Imagine from the age of 15 to 25 you f***ed 2 different girls a year MAX. That’s 20 bodies.

    Crazy how 20bodies sounds like a lot but tbh it’s actually realistic for many

    Yeah I mean over my last three years, averaged out, I was f***ing 1 girl a quarter, so 12 being 4 a year. Pretty sure all of those were not one night encounters for the most part either.

  • Mar 7, 2023
    FKA Tadow

    Have a feeling this thread is gonna get real weird.

    Hassan inflating those numbers for turkey though

    Too late

  • Mar 7, 2023
    Sol Sabbath

    Yeah I mean over my last three years, averaged out, I was f***ing 1 girl a quarter, so 12 being 4 a year. Pretty sure all of those were not one night encounters for the most part either.

    That’s why I think the body thing is stuped. Like as long as you practice safe s***there is absolutely no issue with how many people you f***.

    I could f*** 100 women, use protection , be hygienic, courteous , consensual to my s***partner and still be frowned upon if I disclose I hypothetically had 100 bodies .

    All the while good girl shawty with 5 bodies could of f***ed every partner raw , caught a couple of infections along the way , had an abortion , but be praised for their low numbers even though their method of sexual intercourse would be looked upon as shocking. Not to mention this very type of s***environment runs rampant in the casual sex/sneaky link/fwb scene

  • Mar 7, 2023

    I'm Turkish. Wtffff lol. No way we nber 1

  • Mar 7, 2023
    1 reply

    Amk biz nasıl 1 oluyoruz şimdi?

  • Mar 7, 2023

    surprised Germany is so low


    The Berghain/KitKatCLub stories I've been told might've skewed my viw but I thought the Deutsch were crashing fr

  • Mar 7, 2023
    1 reply

    tbh alot of these women just want someone who provides, and im talking from my observation of this market

    like 90% of dating, especially in youth, is literally just playing a psychosexual game
    people make moves in ways that net certain reactions and this is like consistent across inter-gender subgroups. the whole "provider" thing is just derivative of this. for most people it always comes back to this latent push/pull dynamic ultimately

  • Sol Sabbath

    The women are unkept.

    What makes you say that?

  • Mar 7, 2023

    Self-improvement, but at a practical level

    Depends on the girls they're at trying to get laid, in some cases they'll have to pull alot more than their capacity,
    it may be nicer to start with an average to ugly girl, or even a very fat girl, you know what i mean? Or even an older one

  • Sounds about right

  • Mar 7, 2023
    · edited

    Crazy what a haircut, a nice set of clothes, and a happy , upbeat, carefree mood would do to some men lol.

    These men be so focused comparing themselves to all of the freakishly attractive men out there only to never realize that they too are very beautiful people. They are just too blinded by their self hate and pity to ever notice the potential in themselves

    This is a beautiful post right here