As a Turkish guy I'll tell you 12 of the q4 girls were Ukrainian or Russian side tings
That’s realistic. Imagine from the age of 15 to 25 you f***ed 2 different girls a year MAX. That’s 20 bodies.
Crazy how 20bodies sounds like a lot but tbh it’s actually realistic for many
good point but starting at 15 is wild, most people ain't got it like that
Iceland niggas just casually mentioning they f***ing their cousins. Aint that many women in that country for all that fr.
Iceland’s tourists doubles and sometimes triples their own population so it could be that
As a Turkish guy I'll tell you 12 of the q4 girls were Ukrainian or Russian side tings
Aynen abi
Crazy what a haircut, a nice set of clothes, and a happy , upbeat, carefree mood would do to some men lol.
These men be so focused comparing themselves to all of the freakishly attractive men out there only to never realize that they too are very beautiful people. They are just too blinded by their self hate and pity to ever notice the potential in themselves
man girls dont give a f*** about none of that s***, they want a nigga who makes them laugh gives good d*** an agrees with everything they say
looking good is icing on the cake
The amount of people using tinder is probably <1% of the worlds population. And tinder doesn’t equal more sexual partners, it’s just another way to meet people
Not to also mention the average man on Tinder gets around 10 matches out of 100 swipes and about 0.6% of those women will reply......
The average man on tinder gets legit s*** on their
surprised Germany is so low
Tbh, i always picture Germans as people that b F***ING
Mostly every male on Tinder is ugly as f***. They look like bums who put literally no effort into their hygiene, hair, weight, or fashion and quality of their photos .
THAT is the reason men aren’t getting any p****, a lot are NOT taking care of themselves;
and/or are not FULLY investing into theirselves physically and emotionally
These bums are so socially inept that it somehow manages to bleed into every post and every (shitty) hot take they have on their online presence. And tbh that’s pretty impressive to me, if not kinda depressing lol
I’m high as f*** so forgive me on the tangy essay
facts lol
No, that’s not necessarily true. You can start with decently looking women that you aren’t afraid to only shuffle in and out of your room at night .
I’m saying this because very attractive men are NOT settling down with a women equal to them in looks , (top 10%men).
Thus a good chunk of men end (top 15%-20%) up with some fine ass women who VERY OFTEN are significantly to slightly better looking than the man is . Go walk around the mall and look at a few couples . Seriously, go and you’ll see HELLA dudes with women who look noticeably less attractive than there female partners .
Thus you don’t have to be at the too 10% to get decent women , just around the top %15-%20, which is much more achievable for the vast majority of the male population.
Nah dont agree most couples are def around the same looks level.
Plus, I've seen more overweight women with tall, athletic men
than ugly guys with beautiful women.
Crazy what a haircut, a nice set of clothes, and a happy , upbeat, carefree mood would do to some men lol.
These men be so focused comparing themselves to all of the freakishly attractive men out there only to never realize that they too are very beautiful people. They are just too blinded by their self hate and pity to ever notice the potential in themselves
exactly ! it’s really just sad, there’s so many people with so much potential but it’s thrown away when people become so obsessed with comparing themselves to other. Self confidence and the ability to be content and happy with yourself really does go a long way
I’m happy to not have been apart of Tinder culture, can’t imagine what all of you youngsters are going through. My son, who just started high school last year, is gearing up for dating and I’m teaching him the proper etiquettes.
Last year he went on his first date and I forced him to trim his nose hair, take a s*** before the date, wear nice clothes, use deodorant, and chew gum (mint flavored). It’s important to teach these young men the ins and outs of taking care of yourself.
love that, it’s great that you’re properly preparing your son, that goes a long way. For me, I have been focusing on myself a lot in order to improve myself and my well being because for so long I was focused on everything but myself and for lack of a better term I was a bum. I’ve been doing really great for myself but regardless, I see it everywhere, it’s very sad, most people I know are so wrapped up in other peoples opinions that they can never help themselves.
I’m happy to not have been apart of Tinder culture, can’t imagine what all of you youngsters are going through. My son, who just started high school last year, is gearing up for dating and I’m teaching him the proper etiquettes.
Last year he went on his first date and I forced him to trim his nose hair, take a s*** before the date, wear nice clothes, use deodorant, and chew gum (mint flavored). It’s important to teach these young men the ins and outs of taking care of yourself.
I never bothered with Tinder or any dating app because I’m 5’5” and hate myself enough already as is.
man girls dont give a f*** about none of that s***, they want a nigga who makes them laugh gives good d*** an agrees with everything they say
looking good is icing on the cake
Facts sir, i completely agree. Looking good in this context more so benefits the guy as he will be naturally confident if he routinely takes care of himself.
And being more confident obv means you’ll be overall more happy and cheerful and if your personality and temperament are boosted , so will a woman’s attraction to you.
Basically invest in yourself to get the best for yourself feel me?
exactly ! it’s really just sad, there’s so many people with so much potential but it’s thrown away when people become so obsessed with comparing themselves to other. Self confidence and the ability to be content and happy with yourself really does go a long way
I completely agree.
that'll do it. would guess it's closer to like 6 now
How about this.
A much more statistically relevant study found out that 25% of men under the age of 30 (pre Covid) haven’t had s***at all since high school. That figure grows when there is a large plurality of sexually deprived or frustrated men who barely manage to get laid. And it balloons even more when you look up post the most recent Covid 2022 statistics (has men at like 30% virginity rate vs 20% in 2018)
This increase in male virginity is caused by woman who are raising their standards. And a lot of men are struggling to keep up basically..
Then they blame women for not giving them attention , while at the same time making no effort to improve themselves personally. Kinda wild lol