Facts sir, i completely agree. Looking good in this context more so benefits the guy as he will be naturally confident if he routinely takes care of himself.
And being more confident obv means you’ll be overall more happy and cheerful and if your personality and temperament are boosted , so will a woman’s attraction to you.
Basically invest in yourself to get the best for yourself feel me?
Nah u right confidence an looking like u care about urself is very attractive, kinda depends on what type of girl ur looking for
Spent ample time in Istanbul and Izmir, both rather liberal cities in Turkey
Younger generation really takes pride not conforming to traditional norms, ie being promiscuous etc
I still didn’t expect that at all though lol
How iceland so high up but so small in population? They f***ing family?
Chart is completely trash
Over what duration? Lifetime? Yearly?
What ages?
How many people were asked?
Average as in, the mode, mean or median?
Damn niggas in turkey getting it in 😂
They didn't say it was just women partners nah
I would’ve expect places like Spain to be top 5. Them folks do not bat an eye at a lil side piece, men & women.
I would’ve expect places like Spain to be top 5. Them folks do not bat an eye at a lil side piece, men & women.
Italy, Poland, Portugal, and Spain are considered to be the most heavily Catholic countries. I could see religious devotion playing a role, since three of the four are all around the same place on the list. Italians are still super freaky tho 👅
I like how they only included South Africa cause they know African countries would acquire the whole top 10. You could average 2-3 bodies a day, it’s too easy
nigga are you going on s***tours?
Italy, Poland, Portugal, and Spain are considered to be the most heavily Catholic countries. I could see religious devotion playing a role, since three of the four are all around the same place on the list. Italians are still super freaky tho 👅
Ain’t Turkey a Muslim country?