The transparency is not admirable, at all lmao. Some things are meant to be secret
I'm sure Will has his fair share of baggage and has displayed some toxic behavior that he also needs to be held accountable for (like that whole slave master birthday thing), but I can only go off of the information that's been publicly provided to us:
I guess the transparency is admirable, but it's really crazy how Jada goes out of her way to remind everyone how difficult she is every three weeks. it's just me, but I'm struggling to understand why basic communication is such a revelation to some people. You routinely setting yourself to be disappointed for decades expecting a different result until you needed to realize at your grown age to just say what you want? That sounds stubborn af. the picture she looks cold in the face but in her head she like
Shes a black queen. F*** outta here
would've said this years ago but after these recent events in the last years idk fam. Jada looking like everything but a queen.
will really lost n u hate 2 c it cuz he's such a great man
We dunno how he is closed doors but yeah his wife been talking reckless airing s*** out
these b****es really talkin bout uh u should be able to read my mind the f*** going on here man
Shes a black queen. F*** outta here
anyone who knowingly belittles their life partner in front of the entire world for absolutely no reason is neither a king nor a queen.
that's just a pathetic person
anyone who knowingly belittles their life partner in front of the entire world for absolutely no reason is neither a king nor a queen.
that's just a pathetic person
Always felt like this attitude is just an excuse to cheat
Like oh i need new p**** or new d*** i cant be with the same person forever. You a b****
Will need to go back to the MiB headquarters and flash her memory fr.
SN: she starting to look like Richard Jefferson
She ugly as hell. Will should just drop her and marry Margot robbie
90s Jada tho
Wow such admirable transparency. She didn't have to tell us this, but she did, and boy do we ADMIRE it!
Laughing out loud