Based on that clip the media is blowing this way outta proportion
like she didn't know what she was doing?
she wasn't even asked a question about it, she giving me crazy vibes fr
Imagine your girl having a show where she gossips about your personal s*** on air with celebrities . I pray 4 will
hoes want you to read their minds lol like yall been married for whatever amount of years... speak tf up. Or just cheat with your hoe ass looking for excuses
he stronger than me cuz i been would’ve kms
Every couple months b
The way Will Smith does not speak about their relationship to the public while she does all the yapping really says a lot...
jada look old af anyways... Will need to get back out there man
They have their own outside things going on if I remember correctly.
Funny thing about it though...nobody would've known about it if Jada ain't have a big mouth, cause Will knows how to keep private s*** private.
Will the whole reason Jada even relevant. Crying over Pac & s***. HE BEEN DEAD. STFU.
Even if he wasn’t dead, you with a man & talking about another man with tears in ya eyes?
Will the whole reason Jada even relevant. Crying over Pac & s***. HE BEEN DEAD. STFU.
Even if he wasn’t dead, you with a man & talking about another man with tears in ya eyes?
This. will has been carrying this woman for too long.
The way Will Smith does not speak about their relationship to the public while she does all the yapping really says a lot...
Yeah man we obviously don’t know everything but just based on what we hear and see I feel bad for him tbh he just becomes the internet punching bag every six months
boo hoo poor millionaire
This is a weird take
Instantly saying f*** anything that happens to someone because they have money?
Lmao wtf
This is a weird take
Instantly saying f*** anything that happens to someone because they have money?
Lmao wtf
You expect me to feel sorry for a millionaire airing out another millionaires s***life?
No lmao.
Jada been talking out the side of her neck a lot lately. Will need that extendo d*** surgery to shut that ass up real quick.
my theory is she found out will was on his tiger woods s*** a while back and told him either she exposes him or gets to do s*** like this with no repercussion
op could have just said "free my man" though
“Never trust a b**** who finds love in a camera” - Pusha T
There would be no reason for this to be shared if she didn’t need to force content for her talk show/podcast lol