If hell exist she’s for sure going there. Despicable
"I feel like Hell's full of bad b****es"
-Juice WRLD
On Juneteenth of all dates
this article is so spicy
this article is so spicy
“And with a name like Banks, you’d think she knew a thing or two about how money works, but apparently not.”
Haven't seen her get this much backlash before. Even all the "azealia never told a lie" crowd getting on her.
Theres no defending this lol
It’s obvious she’s doing this for attention. I blame her following for co-signing all of her bullshit. Just fueling the fire
Aye yall lets play that game where you type in a month, day, and azealia banks into Google and see what pops up
I typed in "April 23rd Azealia Banks" and got this:
Azealia banks was fat-shaming Lana Del Rey on my birthday in 2020
She compared Lana to an fat old turkey at the farm that the farmers leave alive to police the other turkeys. Lmao
if she doing witchcraft and s*** and says she caused this, i think we just gotta take her out for the greater good
it's crazy enough out here without having to deal with literal witches cursing motherfuckers
Love me a good old fashioned witch hunt
Azealia is wild
that being said i bet she'd be fun as f*** to go out drinking and party with her, shes chaotic, she prob just says crazy s*** randomly when your hanging out
Azealia is banned from Krusty Krab, Chum Bucket and Bikini Bottom. Its a shame we used to say who lives in a pineapple under the fanta-sea.
Azealia banks was fat-shaming Lana Del Rey on my birthday in 2020
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1LZPNv6mTMShe compared Lana to an fat old turkey at the farm that the farmers leave alive to police the other turkeys. Lmao
That one's a classic, it ended with Lana del friggin ray literally telling azalea to pull up, had her shook
imagine the kind of hell spawn sgp and azealia banks would make
I aspire to be this level of petty
I don’t got it in me to let another person know they made me mad
Also some of the twitter takes in the replies are utterly brain dead
Azalea banks does not represent the average woman dawg she is mentally ill
Poor girl
She is chronically and mentally ill
Absolutely terrible energy