I've been reading about her on internet for 8 yrs and not a single positive thing I can remember.
I've been reading about her on internet for 8 yrs and not a single positive thing I can remember.
She let us see her titties. The only positive thing I can think of
She’s cool and creates thousands of pages of content BUT
I HATE people who can give the s*** but can’t take the s*** … soooo lame
yea f*** this hoe
i feel like she was getting a lot of goodwill and praise recently so this is how the pendulum usually swings w her
Her and Kanye are pretty similar imo
This is what will happen to her.. she’s going to lose traction with people.. there’s almost no new avenues of approach for clout for her. She’s pulled all the tricks and said all the nasty things she has. 10 years from now we’re going to feel bad for this woman because of the place in life she will be in. You reap what you sow and ain’t no way this baby back b**** of a woman is getting out of her deal with karma. I’m sure her time for karma is approaching sooner than later.
“Because in the end…. I Won.”
tryna wrap my mind around how crazy it is for you to have "won" because someone you dont even know died. crraaaazyy
No way I'm condoning this because it's disgusting but he did basically try to embarrass her and every way he possibly could
But at least you're still alive, his wife had nothing to do with that
Why go to a show called “ WILD N OUT” which is known for joking on the participants if you’re soft like that? Ain’t no justifying this, no matter how you slice it.
This is what will happen to her.. she’s going to lose traction with people.. there’s almost no new avenues of approach for clout for her. She’s pulled all the tricks and said all the nasty things she has. 10 years from now we’re going to feel bad for this woman because of the place in life she will be in. You reap what you sow and ain’t no way this baby back b**** of a woman is getting out of her deal with karma. I’m sure her time for karma is approaching sooner than later.
loads of ppl usually lgbt+ ppl and straight women love her semi ironically, idk it that translates to money or sales or anything but still
Why go to a show called “ WILD N OUT” which is known for joking on the participants if you’re soft like that? Ain’t no justifying this, no matter how you slice it.
Facts s*** is jokes you can’t take it stay yo lame ass home lmao
She sick and mentally ill Nothin new
Keep it moving and don’t give her the attention she desperate for
all I gotta say is alot of seemly smart black women indulge & somewhat enable this chick she seems like such an awful person man
I've been reading about her on internet for 8 yrs and not a single positive thing I can remember.
It's wild because I don't even think this is the worst thing she's said