  • Jun 13, 2021
    2 replies

    We wont forget them original trailers, my thread is the archive😡🤧

  • Jun 13, 2021
    1 reply

    I need every single square enix live service game to be a dumpster fire so they don't ever try to do some s*** like this again bro

    The first trailer in my op still looks so beautiful wtf happened 🤧

  • Jun 13, 2021

    Looks good

    Edit: Is bad

  • Jun 13, 2021
    2 replies

    Wait it might be kinda saved 🤔

    @Ultima @redtruth @isellpixels

    "In a brief developer message after the E3 trailer, members of Babylon’s Fall’s development team explained that the game will receive updates after its release that include new content. According to the game’s YouTube trailer description, this content will include “game modes” and will be released for free."

    "The developers also explained that the game will be playable in single player, but also allow players to team up in groups of four to complete dungeons — which is a possible place for some of the new content to come in. It’s not clear if the co-op will be limited to dungeons, or if it will be available in the rest of the game as well."

    I will def keep my eye out on it to see what it is fully. Theyre still being vague with a good amount of stuff, but good news is that it can still be played solo and multiplayer might just be handed off to an optional dungeons mode which that and the later added modes will be the live service element 🧐

    Full article here:

    We'll see tho. Not holding my breath.

  • Jun 13, 2021
    1 reply
    Water Giver

    Wait it might be kinda saved 🤔

    @Ultima @redtruth @isellpixels

    "In a brief developer message after the E3 trailer, members of Babylon’s Fall’s development team explained that the game will receive updates after its release that include new content. According to the game’s YouTube trailer description, this content will include “game modes” and will be released for free."

    "The developers also explained that the game will be playable in single player, but also allow players to team up in groups of four to complete dungeons — which is a possible place for some of the new content to come in. It’s not clear if the co-op will be limited to dungeons, or if it will be available in the rest of the game as well."

    I will def keep my eye out on it to see what it is fully. Theyre still being vague with a good amount of stuff, but good news is that it can still be played solo and multiplayer might just be handed off to an optional dungeons mode which that and the later added modes will be the live service element 🧐

    Full article here:

    We'll see tho. Not holding my breath.

    Yeah not holding my breath, will probably watch how the game is doing for some time after its release to see if they actually deliver

  • Jun 13, 2021

    Yeah not holding my breath, will probably watch how the game is doing for some time after its release to see if they actually deliver

    Same 😔

  • Jun 13, 2021

    Official gameplay overview just came out, havent watched it myself but will later:

  • Jun 13, 2021
    Water Giver

    Wait it might be kinda saved 🤔

    @Ultima @redtruth @isellpixels

    "In a brief developer message after the E3 trailer, members of Babylon’s Fall’s development team explained that the game will receive updates after its release that include new content. According to the game’s YouTube trailer description, this content will include “game modes” and will be released for free."

    "The developers also explained that the game will be playable in single player, but also allow players to team up in groups of four to complete dungeons — which is a possible place for some of the new content to come in. It’s not clear if the co-op will be limited to dungeons, or if it will be available in the rest of the game as well."

    I will def keep my eye out on it to see what it is fully. Theyre still being vague with a good amount of stuff, but good news is that it can still be played solo and multiplayer might just be handed off to an optional dungeons mode which that and the later added modes will be the live service element 🧐

    Full article here:

    We'll see tho. Not holding my breath.

    Yeah I'm not holding my breath either. You can play Marvel's Avengers single player as well and that game still turned out a mess. Still waiting for Spiderman almost a year later lmao

  • got into the 3rd beta on ps5

  • Nov 15, 2021
    1 reply

    this is feeling kinda mid so far :/ hopeful it gets better

    edit: i might lowkey hate this lol

    edit2: Highkey.

  • Mar 4, 2022
    1 reply

    So this another Avengers flop or what?

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Mar 5, 2022

    So this another Avengers flop or what?


    600 peak players on launch day on steam

  • shin thread jpeg

    this is feeling kinda mid so far :/ hopeful it gets better

    edit: i might lowkey hate this lol

    edit2: Highkey.

    i wasn't lying about this lol

  • Mar 6, 2022


  • Mar 6, 2022
    Water Giver

    We wont forget them original trailers, my thread is the archive😡🤧

  • Mar 6, 2022

    This s*** in its original trailer n gameplay footage was suppose to be dark souls meets bayonetta with a huge story focus and then square had to force it into some live service multiplayer bare bones bullshit a year later ripping out half of the game now here we are


  • Mar 6, 2022
    1 reply

    Square Enix wont be happy until they ruin every 3rd party studio & game director

  • Mar 6, 2022
    1 reply
    Water Giver

    Square Enix wont be happy until they ruin every 3rd party studio & game director

  • Mar 6, 2022
    2 replies

    Since FF15 these niggas been extra f***ing trash even with a lot of their own titles along with 3rd party deals

    Kingdom Hearts 3
    FF15 OG
    Balan Wonderland
    Deux Ex Mankind Divided
    Marvels Avengers
    Babylons Fall


    Literally the only win theyve had is FF7 Remake and now theyre whoring that out with a F***ING BATTLE ROYALE 💀💀💀


  • Mar 6, 2022


  • Mar 7, 2022

    this what happens when you don't focus on your Star Girl.

  • Mar 7, 2022
    1 reply
    Water Giver

    Since FF15 these niggas been extra f***ing trash even with a lot of their own titles along with 3rd party deals

    Kingdom Hearts 3
    FF15 OG
    Balan Wonderland
    Deux Ex Mankind Divided
    Marvels Avengers
    Babylons Fall


    Literally the only win theyve had is FF7 Remake and now theyre whoring that out with a F***ING BATTLE ROYALE 💀💀💀


    You are forgeting a couple of critical success they have had
    Dragon Quest XI
    NEO:twevy (even if it was a sales 'failure')
    FF XIV endwalker and shadowbridgers
    Nier Automata
    DQ2 builders

    SE still releases good games they just also have a lot of bad ones due to greed

  • Mar 7, 2022

    You are forgeting a couple of critical success they have had
    Dragon Quest XI
    NEO:twevy (even if it was a sales 'failure')
    FF XIV endwalker and shadowbridgers
    Nier Automata
    DQ2 builders

    SE still releases good games they just also have a lot of bad ones due to greed

    Dragon Quest barely has anything to do with them n is the only thing that is mostly independent there.

    Neo was a huge sales failure, because square never marketed or supported it & let it die on arrival ruining that dudes chances of ever doing another.

    Ff online been a thing, & the directors had to completely revamp it from what it originally was under squares higher ups.

    Dq builders lol thats a stretch mention.

    Yeah still trash as hell f*** them. 95 percent of the time theyre releasing trash n ruining a directors/studios life.

  • Mar 7, 2022
    1 reply

    Really hope BF doesnt hurt Platinum Games as a whole majorly

    They scrape by enough as it is

  • Mar 7, 2022
    1 reply
    Water Giver

    Really hope BF doesnt hurt Platinum Games as a whole majorly

    They scrape by enough as it is

    this was supposed to be their big start towards GaaS and, at the same time, they were openly signaling that they want to be bought out so it's not looking good