  • I can't believe backwards compatibility for these old ass gens was such a hot topic throughout this gen and continues to be a big deal for PS5 and SeX. How is it that so many people are so easily consumed by nostalgia?

    Who tf STILL wants to play PS3, 360, PS2, OG Xbox games?! Most of the times those games have such terrible and outdated mechanics that playing them just makes you wanna off yourself. Don't get me started on how you playing with legos in 360p in half of them too.

    I can safely say I never spent a second playing some dusty s*** this entire gen. I don't even care about One/PS4 games being backwards compatible tbqh but they at least give you something to play during SeX/PS5's infancy.

    What's good with people?

  • Mar 21, 2020

    I can't believe backwards compatibility for these old ass gens was such a hot topic throughout this gen and continues to be a big deal for PS5 and SeX. How is it that so many people are so easily consumed by nostalgia?

    Who tf STILL wants to play PS3, 360, PS2, OG Xbox games?! Most of the times those games have such terrible and outdated mechanics that playing them just makes you wanna off yourself. Don't get me started on how you playing with legos in 360p in half of them too.

    I can safely say I never spent a second playing some dusty s*** this entire gen. I don't even care about One/PS4 games being backwards compatible tbqh but they at least give you something to play during SeX/PS5's infancy.

    What's good with people?

    This ain’t it

  • Mar 21, 2020
    1 reply

    but how tf am i supposed to play the MGS HD collection if PS5 isn't bc with PS3 games?

  • Mar 21, 2020

    TO YOU.

  • Mar 21, 2020

    Industry plant.

  • Mar 21, 2020
    1 reply

    I just want guitar hero man

  • Mar 21, 2020

    I agree with OP

    even going back to ps2 xbox eras those games looked good on the hardware it was built for

    Would much rather play my PS2 games on my Sony trinitron CRT setup than full HD Remastered bullshit

    Setting up backwards compatibility into the hardware prob makes the s*** more complicated and limits the potential of what the system could achieve just look at the PS4

  • Mar 21, 2020
    1 reply

    but how tf am i supposed to play the MGS HD collection if PS5 isn't bc with PS3 games?

    Use your Playstation 3

  • Mar 21, 2020
    1 reply
    im protesting

    Use your Playstation 3

    But what if I wanna be in a party

  • Mar 21, 2020

    But what if I wanna be in a party

    That's a fair point

    Personally I don't use party chat with my friends I mostly play single player so I can't speak on that

  • Mar 21, 2020

    Why wouldn't I want to play Skate 3

  • Mar 21, 2020

    I agree. Backwards compatibility is only for the 1 year transition phase between generations. Never played a single PS2 game on my PS3 nor did I wanna play a PS3 game on my PS4.

  • Mar 21, 2020

    insanely out @ this thread

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Mar 21, 2020
    Beautiful Morning

    I just want guitar hero man

    get clone hero on pc man. runs on any pc. uses any guitar hero controller and even drums. can download any song ever made from guitar hero + way more custom s***

  • Mar 22, 2020

    Normally I agree with NLC but not today

  • Mar 22, 2020

    There are some out of print games that won’t be rereleased due to licensing that I would like to play so

  • BC isn't all that important to me but it's been a fat min since I've played those classic ps1-2 games.. admittedly it'd be nice to play those games again seamlessly

  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Mar 22, 2020
    1 reply

    I can't believe backwards compatibility for these old ass gens was such a hot topic throughout this gen and continues to be a big deal for PS5 and SeX. How is it that so many people are so easily consumed by nostalgia?

    Who tf STILL wants to play PS3, 360, PS2, OG Xbox games?! Most of the times those games have such terrible and outdated mechanics that playing them just makes you wanna off yourself. Don't get me started on how you playing with legos in 360p in half of them too.

    I can safely say I never spent a second playing some dusty s*** this entire gen. I don't even care about One/PS4 games being backwards compatible tbqh but they at least give you something to play during SeX/PS5's infancy.

    What's good with people?

    I do. As a matter of fact... Majority of games I play are remasters..... There are good games this gen, but the quality of gaming has gone down from a fun aspect since the ps2 era. Everything is a boring cinematic 1 and done experience. A lot of amazing games have been left to die on the Ps2 and will probably never be remastered. Ps2s aren't going to live forever. People should have a modern solution for playing these games since emulation is frowned upon... This thread aint it.

  • Mar 22, 2020

    Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank, Banjo Kazooie, Pac-Man World & games of the sort are more than likely the biggest and only plausible reason for people to want to go back,

  • Mar 22, 2020
    1 reply

    I do. As a matter of fact... Majority of games I play are remasters..... There are good games this gen, but the quality of gaming has gone down from a fun aspect since the ps2 era. Everything is a boring cinematic 1 and done experience. A lot of amazing games have been left to die on the Ps2 and will probably never be remastered. Ps2s aren't going to live forever. People should have a modern solution for playing these games since emulation is frowned upon... This thread aint it.

    I don't think emulation is frowned upon. Emulation using pirated games is, but it's fine if you use the official discs

  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Mar 22, 2020

    I don't think emulation is frowned upon. Emulation using pirated games is, but it's fine if you use the official discs

    Most people aren't using discs though and thats being real. Nobody is trying to pay close to a hundred for a copy of Budokai T3 in 2020 when they can just download it.

  • Mar 22, 2020

    Put any ps1 or ps2 games on my switch I ain’t playin dem s***s on a ps5

  • Mar 22, 2020

    just give me yugioh forbidden memories and final fantasy tactics man

  • Dragonball badukai tenkaienchi 3

  • I need backwords compatibility mainly for ps1 and ps2 games - Silent hill 1,2,3 and 4. Mortal Kombat 4.