Honestly, you just emulate or cop a console for the low, ps1/ps2 PS3 BC I understand a bit but still man could cop a relatively cheap one idk. backwards compatibility just seems a bit overrated
I can't believe backwards compatibility for these old ass gens was such a hot topic throughout this gen and continues to be a big deal for PS5 and SeX. How is it that so many people are so easily consumed by nostalgia?
Who tf STILL wants to play PS3, 360, PS2, OG Xbox games?! Most of the times those games have such terrible and outdated mechanics that playing them just makes you wanna off yourself. Don't get me started on how you playing with legos in 360p in half of them too.
I can safely say I never spent a second playing some dusty s*** this entire gen. I don't even care about One/PS4 games being backwards compatible tbqh but they at least give you something to play during SeX/PS5's infancy.
What's good with people?
Hell ya I understand when it was like ps3 and u still wanted to play ps2 games and s*** but now it’s like grow up
Not everyone got the older systems so what about the people who want to play the games that first got them into gaming?
What about the people who want to play games w their friends/siblings/family members that they grew up playing together?
What about the people who want to experience a older game for the first time?
What a close minded take