need that gameplay update and next friends of jimbo pack now
I've lost so many runs off just ignoring this rule
I've lost so many runs off just ignoring this rule
The Needle is even worse. There's so many times I'm using some s*** like DNA or whatever and I feel like a dumbfuck seeing that game over screen lol
I've lost so many runs off just ignoring this rule
Was on my first gold stake ante 8 boss and this boomed me i will never recover
I bought this game back in April and I wasnt feeling it. Played yesterday on a whim and I must say this game is some crack Got my first win today
I don’t know how to win without a flush deck, every single playthrough funnels me into a flush playthrough too many options to stack a single suit, combine suits, etc…
This is the best mobile game I’ve ever played. No microtransaction bullshit and it’s fun every time.
I don’t know how to win without a flush deck, every single playthrough funnels me into a flush playthrough too many options to stack a single suit, combine suits, etc…
im the same, I thought I was getting good until I realized I was spamming that
black stake is giving me some trouble cant lie rn
i've choked so many insane builds the last few days lolol
I don’t know how to win without a flush deck, every single playthrough funnels me into a flush playthrough too many options to stack a single suit, combine suits, etc…
I recommend using the abandoned deck if you've unlocked it already. Easier to get straights and full houses
I don’t know how to win without a flush deck, every single playthrough funnels me into a flush playthrough too many options to stack a single suit, combine suits, etc…
Flush is lowkey not even a good hand, it’s kinda hard to rely on and hard to fix your deck.
You gotta learn how to manipulate the deck to play pairs or high cards. There’s crazy synergies between a lot of jokers that look bad.
Lowkey pair, high cards, flush five, five of a kind, straights, 4 of a kind are all better than flushes.
Theres a mod on android that reverses the rarity of jokers etc
Kinda like cryptic mod but simpler to the original game
So fire lol
I haven't played a video game in earnest in almost a decade and yet this has consumed me. im shook.
Pip boy cards
Downloaded this earlier today on my phone and this might be the most addictive mobile game I’ve ever played lol
Why the f*** is the android version not compatible with a retroid? I know people play it on there id just rather use the app instead of an .APK file
Downloaded this earlier today on my phone and this might be the most addictive mobile game I’ve ever played lol
its the perfect mobile game