  • Also all the s*** I unlocked that run is now gone??

  • Vlonely 🦍
    Feb 27

    Finally beat black deck on gold stake

  • Feb 28
    1 reply

    never been into card games, just started playing and dropped a 26k chip hand to one shot the ante 5 boss and i just know this moment will hook me for weeks to come

  • Feb 28
    1 reply

    never been into card games, just started playing and dropped a 26k chip hand to one shot the ante 5 boss and i just know this moment will hook me for weeks to come

    That moment when you smoke all of ante 7 with nothing but flames and know the wall is going to be ante 8 f***ing your whole run

  • YzYyZyWhatisgood

    That moment when you smoke all of ante 7 with nothing but flames and know the wall is going to be ante 8 f***ing your whole run

  • Vita means life

  • Mar 2
    1 reply

    What does roguelike mean

  • Mar 2
    Poolboy Q

    What does roguelike mean

    The way it's used today basically means randomised elements on each run, and having to start from the beginning when you lose
