They aren't even getting codes until the 28th. They about to be cramming a 500 hour plus game to have reviews out by release.
Oh thought that was today.
Anyways they better put in the work
og crpg humble bundle for $12 includes bg1/2 enhanced editions and a bunch of other great crpgs....kinda whack no neverwinter nights 2 tho.
please update your humble percentages to go mostly to charity :yeshrug:
My company literally going on summer break when this drops. Im gonna go home early and get to play this
Game hired SAG affiliated “intimacy coordinators” for the game’s s***scenes.
Damn got hyped thinking this was bards tale 3.
I might check it out
What the f***
First of all Bards Tale 4 already exist and Baldurs Gate is a much better series
My friends were streaming the demo yesterday, told me they've clocked up 80hrs and are still finding new stuff. Also, told me they'd explain classes on release cos there'll probs be a ton more lol
My friends were streaming the demo yesterday, told me they've clocked up 80hrs and are still finding new stuff. Also, told me they'd explain classes on release cos there'll probs be a ton more lol
Yeah its incredibly immersive. Everything you do will lead to a different outcome or reaction. Just the fact that all of the 12 classes and all the subraces will offer you more and new dialogue options, ways to interact with the world and in combat I dont think I will ever see everything the game has to offer
I did 70 hours in early access and have not once taken the side of the evil guys
According to someone on Reddit, if true, apparently review keys have been pushed back to Sunday, meaning reviewers will only have 4 days to play if they want to get their reviews out on launch.
According to someone on Reddit, if true, apparently review keys have been pushed back to Sunday, meaning reviewers will only have 4 days to play if they want to get their reviews out on launch.
Do you know if these are ps5 too?
soon !
Wonder how many reviewers are gonna pick up meth habits in order to try and finish this and get a review out on release day.
Wonder how many reviewers are gonna pick up meth habits in order to try and finish this and get a review out on release day.
Not needed this game is straight cocaine
Holy s***, I didn’t realize that if you preorder the deluxe you get 3 day early access on PS5.
i bought the game when it came out in early access and only ever put 2 hours into it
excited for this though, i have 114 hours in divinity 2 and never even beat it lol and this looks much bigger and more complex
Where the reviews at
So Pre-Launch Update
So Pre-Launch Update
Did PS5 version go gold too or are they still working on that?
Curious when review codes for that will go out. I just want to know about performance and bugs (especially late game).
Did PS5 version go gold too or are they still working on that?
Curious when review codes for that will go out. I just want to know about performance and bugs (especially late game).
nobody reached the third act probably so far