  • Jul 20, 2023

    No, in fact play this one first, it will be easily the new player friendliest and also have the best quality of life features with respecc, best explanation of systems and easiest to undershand huds etc.

    CRPGs are a great genre with lots of amazing games to discover but Im certain this one will be the best introduction to the genre


  • Kengi 💭
    Jul 23, 2023

    game has been ramping up hype these past few days

    Im happy since Larian sucks at Marketing but seems like the good game does its marketing for itself (plus bear and twitter controversy)

  • Jul 23, 2023

    nah this one is wild

  • Nayuta 🐯
    Jul 23, 2023
    1 reply

  • Kengi 💭
    Jul 24, 2023

    Game of the century

  • Jul 24, 2023
    1 reply

    Read some kind of mixed things for people on the combat.

    Not too surprising, D:OSII was pretty polarizing on that front.

  • Jul 24, 2023
    1 reply

    Wait is the final product out already or is it still in early access until the release date

  • Kengi 💭
    Jul 24, 2023

    Wait is the final product out already or is it still in early access until the release date

    Still in early access until the 3rd

  • Kengi 💭
    Jul 24, 2023
    1 reply

    ceo just confirmed that we will gonna have to preload the entire game and this early access version will be gone

    so if you dont plan to check out the game rn it doesnt make sense to load it

  • Jul 24, 2023

    This game about to be so wild

    Triple entendre

  • Nayuta 🐯
    Jul 24, 2023

    ceo just confirmed that we will gonna have to preload the entire game and this early access version will be gone

    so if you dont plan to check out the game rn it doesnt make sense to load it

    I saw they changing the I guess beginning of early access to be different from the full release, so wanted to see the difference in the experience between the two

  • Jul 24, 2023

    150GB download on a friday afternoon release time for me. F*** sakes I'm not gonna be able to play till Saturday

    I bought BG3 as soon as it was announced, last time i played was Oct 14 2020

  • Jul 24, 2023
    1 reply

    Read some kind of mixed things for people on the combat.

    Not too surprising, D:OSII was pretty polarizing on that front.

    main thing i didnt like about Div 2 was the separation of armor vs magic armor (or whatever it was called)

  • Jul 25, 2023
    2 replies

    main thing i didnt like about Div 2 was the separation of armor vs magic armor (or whatever it was called)

    Most of the complaints I’ve seen seem to do with Larian adding some homebrewed rules/mechanics to this already established iteration of D&D rule set, appear to make the game easier and more susceptible to being broken by certain classes.

  • Jul 25, 2023

    Most of the complaints I’ve seen seem to do with Larian adding some homebrewed rules/mechanics to this already established iteration of D&D rule set, appear to make the game easier and more susceptible to being broken by certain classes.

    Ah I'm not too familiar with DnD so I'm good on that front

  • Kengi 💭
    Jul 25, 2023
    1 reply

    Most of the complaints I’ve seen seem to do with Larian adding some homebrewed rules/mechanics to this already established iteration of D&D rule set, appear to make the game easier and more susceptible to being broken by certain classes.

    Honestly I really like the adjustments. Altho I can understand why hardcore crpg fans will be more careful

    They definitely tried to water down the min maxing necessary or thats usual for these games.

    Allowing you to play every race and class without suffering because you dont have optimal stats is a great thing imo.

    Buffing the Monk seems to be the biggest change they made to classes and imo doesnt sound too bad.

    And the reaction system was introduced by player feedback and while it definitely made the game a bit easier it still feels just downright better to be able to decide when your reaction spell is activated

  • Jul 25, 2023
    1 reply

    Honestly I really like the adjustments. Altho I can understand why hardcore crpg fans will be more careful

    They definitely tried to water down the min maxing necessary or thats usual for these games.

    Allowing you to play every race and class without suffering because you dont have optimal stats is a great thing imo.

    Buffing the Monk seems to be the biggest change they made to classes and imo doesnt sound too bad.

    And the reaction system was introduced by player feedback and while it definitely made the game a bit easier it still feels just downright better to be able to decide when your reaction spell is activated

    Another one I saw was shove being a bonus action and that apparently you get flung really far out

  • Kengi 💭
    Jul 25, 2023

    Another one I saw was shove being a bonus action and that apparently you get flung really far out

    But the verticality is what makes the game and combat so fun. Thunderwave or Eldritch Blast with the repelling blast incantation throwing people everywhere is so fun

    Dos2 already introduced a good amount of verticality into the combat however it was wayy too strong. Having the high ground gave you a massive advantage. BG3 improves this by having more actions that allow you to engage with space. Like barbarians and fighters having insane jumps and more spells allow you to throw people around

  • Jul 25, 2023

    Let’s pray for the reviewers that are gonna have to freebase this game soon in under 6 days.

  • Jul 25, 2023
    1 reply

    Imagining a timeline where this game loses to FFXVI in Best RPG category.

  • Kengi 💭
    Jul 25, 2023

    Imagining a timeline where this game loses to FFXVI in Best RPG category.

    its a bit of a popularity contest isnt it?
    It all depends but I hope Baldurs Gate 3 will be a suprise hit to the mainstream.

    As you can see by this thread not many people got it on their radar.

  • Jul 26, 2023
    1 reply

    Wanna get this but my experience with CRPGs hasn’t been the best. Not that I don’t like them, but it’s hard to actually sit down and get into them. My laptop probably could handle this but I think imma try n wait

  • Kengi 💭
    Jul 26, 2023
    Mr Motion

    Wanna get this but my experience with CRPGs hasn’t been the best. Not that I don’t like them, but it’s hard to actually sit down and get into them. My laptop probably could handle this but I think imma try n wait

    Good choice its a slowburn genre. At the same time I believe this will be the most approachable because of the just amazing cinematic presentation. This is definitely an evolution for the genre

  • Kengi 💭
    Jul 26, 2023
    1 reply

    No reviews yet? These mfing game
    reviewers sleeping or what??

  • Jul 26, 2023
    1 reply

    No reviews yet? These mfing game
    reviewers sleeping or what??

    They aren't even getting codes until the 28th. They about to be cramming a 500 hour plus game to have reviews out by release.
