  • Jan 31, 2022
    1 reply
    math fifty

    All innovations in human history were driven by profits

    The wheel was invented by cavemen who were paid in rocks

    No bro you don’t get it people are teachers, librarians, homeless shelter volunteers, and artists because of their inner desire to make as much money as possible

    There could be no other reason to drive humanity forward other than to make money

  • Jan 31, 2022

    No bro you don’t get it people are teachers, librarians, homeless shelter volunteers, and artists because of their inner desire to make as much money as possible

    There could be no other reason to drive humanity forward other than to make money

    artists is kind of an iffy example considering plenty of people, while having a passion to pursue art, generally do so with the intention of making money or becoming famous

    obviously there are exceptions to this, but in general, the goal is to make money

    plenty of people would still have passion, but if there was nothing to work towards after the fact (advancement, higher pay, a better job elsewhere) then what’s the point?

    i’d agree teachers are far too underpaid, but most would stay as a high school teacher for other reasons aside from because they are passionate about it

    there needs to be something to work towards to keep interest. if there’s no reason to work harder, why would you?

  • Jan 31, 2022

    we all have legs
    let’s walk and bike everywhere 🚶🏾‍♂️🚴🏾‍♂️

  • Jan 31, 2022

    Love cars but it's time to make public transport/bikes the norm

  • Jan 31, 2022

    We def should prioritize walking/biking and public transportation but it's America so it'll never happen

  • A major highway is being built so close to me that part of my neighborhood had to be uprooted to make room. All for a damn toll expressway

  • Jan 31, 2022

    Everyone should be forced to travel by pogo stick one month out of the year.

  • Jan 31, 2022
    1 reply
    Twist Your Cap

    you're citing iPhone bezels but don't you realize how far innovation spans in society?

    food production

    quite literally everything around us was created because of the incentive to innovate

    who the hell wants to START a business to make the same amount of money as the people they employ? There is absolutely no incentive

    Innovation exists outside the private sector, a lot of modern innovation came about in public institutions. Incentive to innovate doesn't have to revolve around financial gain, otherwise you'd have h****erectus deciding they don't like fire because it's not getting paid.
    Being innovative is in many ways human nature, we are where we are because we innovate.

  • Jan 31, 2022

    You’re not wrong but we’re too far gone

  • Jan 31, 2022
    hot pancakes

    i think innovation is generally always good (obvious exceptions though)

    for example, sure making the iphone bezel smaller could be seen as a pointless innovation, but what if that technology is then used in some bio medical chip down the line?

    i do agree politics needs to evolve, but that’s a whole other discussion

    i think it starts with absolutely banning lobbying and instituting SERIOUS criminal consequences for anyone caught taking part

    When last did the private sector really bring something new in the last decade? All we've gotten is a bunch of tech bros, trying to circumvent regulations through tech with things like uber and Airbnb, or companies finding new ways to spy on you.
    How far will profit driven innovation take us is what I'm trying to get at

  • Jan 31, 2022

    Would be dope I have like 3 track bikes I never use anymore since high school

  • Jan 31, 2022
    Water Giver

    You know tech goes outside the aesthetics of a phone right?

    The point is most innovation around technology has been very surface level, without really pushing humanity forward

  • Jan 31, 2022
    1 reply
    Villainous B

    Innovation exists outside the private sector, a lot of modern innovation came about in public institutions. Incentive to innovate doesn't have to revolve around financial gain, otherwise you'd have h****erectus deciding they don't like fire because it's not getting paid.
    Being innovative is in many ways human nature, we are where we are because we innovate.

    some innovations are in the private sector that benefit it but as a whole? absolutely not

    this world is about incentive, just accept it lol

  • Jan 31, 2022

    We need to do a study on the people who post gifs that have correlation with the subject at hand but aren’t funny or a little too on the head

  • Jan 31, 2022
    1 reply
    Twist Your Cap

    some innovations are in the private sector that benefit it but as a whole? absolutely not

    this world is about incentive, just accept it lol

    Money isn't where incentive begins and ends

  • Feb 1, 2022
    1 reply
    Villainous B

    Money isn't where incentive begins and ends

    it completely depends what specific thing we're talking about

    in most cases yes it is

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Feb 1, 2022

    ok but we go back to this

  • Feb 1, 2022
    Twist Your Cap

    it completely depends what specific thing we're talking about

    in most cases yes it is

    You lot dead ass are as unimaginative as they come 🙄

  • austin_butler_fan4

    u underground theres a fire now what

    u die ?

    ground & rock moves are strong against fire my g

  • Feb 1, 2022

    stupid ass idea lmao we could solve many more important world issues with the amount of money it would take to do this. yes we should improve our public transit infrastructure but get rid of all roads f*** no

  • Feb 1, 2022

    crine op prolly lives in a big ass city and has never driven down some nice mountain roads or the PCH before

  • Feb 1, 2022
    paradise valley

    I agree

    You will own nothing n be happy. Last thread you claimed you’re against banning cars, now you’re vouching for it.

    As James writes: A double mind is unstable.

    Christ told us: U can’t serve 2 masters.

    Figure out which side you’re one.

  • So I gotta sit next to a schizophrenic homeless person or walk as my alternatives?

  • Feb 1, 2022

    ok but i get the aux in the public transit
