  • Jan 31, 2022
    Bo Ceephus

    I might do requests sometime soon. But I'm currently just on my phone so I can't do s*** till I get off vacation anyway

    @ me in the thread when you're doing requests Let me just post the pics here in case something happens before then

  • Jan 31, 2022
    hot pancakes

    a lot of it has more do with human nature than capitalism (imo)

    humans will always want to chase a bag or be part of a scheme to get rich

    now if we live in a society with all things equal and everyone gets paid essentially the same, where does the innovation come from?

    this is where me and communists / socialists heavily disagree. they think people will innovate just to innovate, all of the time

    to some extent, yes, but i’d argue the drive for becoming rich lights the spark under more people than just innovating for personal enjoyment. or even worse, they innovate for themselves and don’t share because there’s nothing to gain

    humans are inherently selfish - although i admit we’ve evolved to this - but in reality there’s no going back without another 100s to 1000s of years of reprogramming

  • Jan 31, 2022
    3 replies

    All innovations in human history were driven by profits

    The wheel was invented by cavemen who were paid in rocks

  • Jan 31, 2022
    Scratchin Mamba
  • Jan 31, 2022
    BlueChew Sean

    This the part I was talking about Not sure if I understood everything in the Manifesto but this really struck a chord with me

  • Jan 31, 2022

    If Marx was alive today he'd be on some Gil Scott Heron s***

  • Jan 31, 2022
    paradise valley

  • shut up

  • Jan 31, 2022

    might be the dumbest s*** i ever heard

  • Jan 31, 2022

    Ramming my disel v8 into op neighborhood with the subs cracking

  • Jan 31, 2022
    1 reply
    Villainous B

    Simple question, why is technological innovation seen as an unambiguous good?
    People are so hung on how small they can get their iPhone bezel to be while happily advocating against political innovation for example.
    Tech bros are making billions of forcing everything onto the Internet and marketing it as green

    i think innovation is generally always good (obvious exceptions though)

    for example, sure making the iphone bezel smaller could be seen as a pointless innovation, but what if that technology is then used in some bio medical chip down the line?

    i do agree politics needs to evolve, but that’s a whole other discussion

    i think it starts with absolutely banning lobbying and instituting SERIOUS criminal consequences for anyone caught taking part

  • Jan 31, 2022

    Another thread from The Daily Jabroni

  • Jan 31, 2022

    This argument has been debunked more times than I can count

    Humanity is naturally altruistic and we are the most social beings to ever populate this earth. The idea that each human is inherently individualistic and has no interest in their community outside of potential personal benefit is not only well disproven but also illogical

    what i’m saying is, we’ve evolved to be that way, not that we have always been that way

    and evolving back is just not feasible.

    sure, there are exceptions to this evolution and not everyone is like that, but generally humans have evolved to be selfish

  • Jan 31, 2022
    1 reply
    Villainous B

    Simple question, why is technological innovation seen as an unambiguous good?
    People are so hung on how small they can get their iPhone bezel to be while happily advocating against political innovation for example.
    Tech bros are making billions of forcing everything onto the Internet and marketing it as green

    You know tech goes outside the aesthetics of a phone right?

  • Jan 31, 2022

    But people in the 60’s and 70’s could buy a house in their early 20’s because…..

    times were different back then. jobs paid better. families has more money to help out. things were cheaper

    but that speaks more to inflation, politics, and other factors not landlords

  • Jan 31, 2022

    I’ll never forgive this world for banning the Mercedes V10 engine.

  • Jan 31, 2022
    BlueChew Sean

    This going to sound very tinfoil hatty so bear with me But I recently realized that the only letter in the alphabet that's capitalized when it stands alone is the letter that refers to oneself. "i'm currently posting on KTT today" still makes sense and you know exactly what that sentence is communicating. Why does "I" always need to be capitalized like that This is engrained in us from a very early and impressionable age.

    I feel like there are things, especially in Western culture, that condition us to be more individualistic and selfish

    western culture does seem to cultivate a more selfish attitude compared to other cultures, so maybe you aren’t far off

  • Jan 31, 2022
    1 reply
    hot pancakes

    a lot of it has more do with human nature than capitalism (imo)

    humans will always want to chase a bag or be part of a scheme to get rich

    now if we live in a society with all things equal and everyone gets paid essentially the same, where does the innovation come from?

    this is where me and communists / socialists heavily disagree. they think people will innovate just to innovate, all of the time

    to some extent, yes, but i’d argue the drive for becoming rich lights the spark under more people than just innovating for personal enjoyment. or even worse, they innovate for themselves and don’t share because there’s nothing to gain

    humans are inherently selfish - although i admit we’ve evolved to this - but in reality there’s no going back without another 100s to 1000s of years of reprogramming

    Lol gotta love how the broke people on here think people will continue to innovate and work hard regardless

    Government workers have job security and look what happened. Most of them are lazy and it takes them forever to finish projects.

  • Jan 31, 2022

    This argument has been debunked more times than I can count

    Humanity is naturally altruistic and we are the most social beings to ever populate this earth. The idea that each human is inherently individualistic and has no interest in their community outside of potential personal benefit is not only well disproven but also illogical

    This is true

  • Jan 31, 2022


  • Facts

  • Jan 31, 2022


  • Jan 31, 2022
    D Dot

    Lol gotta love how the broke people on here think people will continue to innovate and work hard regardless

    Government workers have job security and look what happened. Most of them are lazy and it takes them forever to finish projects.

    Agreed halfway.

    I think the type of field has more to do with it anything.

    Like major entertainment support will become near zero but fields in like food & medicine will still develop to a degree, & probably even with better quality (no money no corners cut to max money & not trying to stop competitors as much) although possibly slower.

  • Jan 31, 2022
    math fifty

    All innovations in human history were driven by profits

    The wheel was invented by cavemen who were paid in rocks

    well that’s a false equivalency tbh

    humans had to innovate then because there was literally nothing so damn near everything was an innovation lol

    also there was a real need for it

    we live is such comfy times (relatively compared to 1000s years ago). innovation isn’t necessary (it is, but not as dire)

    the only time we see innovation like the wheel is when we are in a crisis or a catastrophic event is about to happen

    (real word case; pandemic and the development of mrna vaccines)

    (hypothetical case; asteroid coming in 200 years that will destroy earth, astrophysics trying to figure out a way to save as many people as possible)

  • 6isco 🦈
    Jan 31, 2022
    math fifty

    All innovations in human history were driven by profits

    The wheel was invented by cavemen who were paid in rocks

    did a caveman tell you this?