hmmm what was up then with sally a couple episodes ago? when her house gets trashed. and when there is someone outside the house? and when there is a helicopter flying overhead?
She was tripping like with the cop’s eye bleeding
Leftovers still has the best HBO series finale
Never forget that
Don’t say s*** y’all, I’m still on season 1. Time to binge it forsure
The scalpel stuff was absolutely Cinema Sins tier.
The Jim stuff is just a weird hangup. Sorry he's not the only faultless character in the show. You clearly had some showdown fantasy that wasn't met. Instead they used his character to critique what he represented. It works thematically. It works tonally. It works narratively.
Calling it “Cinema Sins tier” is lazy pushback
It’s a cheap was to smear the criticism and make it sound ridiculous
Just say it didn’t bother you as much
Or you have different values
My only question is this:
Is it me or does it seem weird that Jim just went with the idea that Barry wasn’t culpable at all? Like it feels off that Gene is taking ALL of the blame. Jim has seen enough over the series to know Barry wasn’t an innocent guy
It makes no sense at all
The f***ing jojo villains lmao
Yeah, Moss being dumbed down seemed pretty contrived to me.
The ending was just fine. Don't love it or hate it, but definitely think it could've been considerably better (really applies to most of S4 imo).
You're really crying the police man turned out to be a fallible sadist instead of Batman
This is dishonest framing
when characters stay true to themselves instead of flopping last second like Barry
I see now why they had this finale same night as succession. everyone just gonna forget how terrible this was and remember how goat succession was