when characters stay true to themselves instead of flopping last second like Barry
Not true
No matter what you may have thought about the finale,
We all wanted to see this b**** get f***ed with
Calling it “Cinema Sins tier” is lazy pushback
It’s a cheap was to smear the criticism and make it sound ridiculous
Just say it didn’t bother you as much
Or you have different values
"Lazy" and "cheap" definitely describes someone's criticism
they made Barry too apathetic as the season went on, that’s a crucial thing
dude was completely, out of his mind delusional this whole season. of course he’s gunna be apathetic, he doesn’t give a f*** about anything but his son at this point.
I knew Hank was dying this episode, and i’m not surprised at Fuches helping John get back to Barry. Not really surprised at Barry dying, either. The way they executed all of these things in this episode, in addition to that little epilogue, though? Perfection 👩🍳
also just noticed Fuches wasn’t in the Mask Collector movie at all Gene really f***ed himself in the end
I Think You Should Leave - sketch show on Netflix, season 3 drops a Tuesday
Solid finale imo
Hank dying holding Cristobal hand like when he saved him in the sand
Gene killing Barry I think is the perfect outcome when you remember what the original premise of the show was. Hitman goes to Hollywood for a kill ends up becoming an actor.
Then the movie romanticizing a killer is like a parody of the Dahmer situation last year
Yeah the Moss stuff is shaky but it is what it is
they made Barry too apathetic as the season went on, that’s a crucial thing
Exactly this . I get he went through a lot and they don’t want audience to root for him too much but for 3 seasons he still felt human while the most outlandish s*** happened . This one just didn’t feel human
when characters stay true to themselves instead of flopping last second like Barry
Don’t say s*** y’all, I’m still on season 1. Time to binge it forsure
It’s one where characters well written and very satisfying end to me . Enjoy
Calling it “Cinema Sins tier” is lazy pushback
It’s a cheap was to smear the criticism and make it sound ridiculous
Just say it didn’t bother you as much
Or you have different values
Rockman just like that
dude was completely, out of his mind delusional this whole season. of course he’s gunna be apathetic, he doesn’t give a f*** about anything but his son at this point.
His son that was introduced mid season after 4.5 seasons is a lot of pressure to carry entire show
The entire season was such a ballsy/unique way to go. Love that hader was able to do it this way
The more I think on the ending the more I really like it, but if I’m being honest the final few episodes landed a little weird for me. I think a rewatch is gonna be crucial
Amazing ending, glad they didn’t drag it on like Succession just to do some expected bullshit
Barry dies a hero
Gene gets life in prison
Noho hank dies playing both sides
Sally a successful theater coach and loving Mom
Barry’s son gets to break the cycle
Good s*** Bill Hadar you dropped a classic
"loving Mom"
I don't know if that is what I got out of her at the end lol. She was still begging for even his acceptance and looking at the flowers like that. She still going through it in a way. Yes its enough of a Win for Sally hive but she still going through it.
"loving Mom"
I don't know if that is what I got out of her at the end lol. She was still begging for even his acceptance and looking at the flowers like that. She still going through it in a way. Yes its enough of a Win for Sally hive but she still going through it.
John's reception/reaction to her changed dramatically the moment she started being real. She was talking s*** to Barry about how that's not how absolvement works, but that's basically what she did when she told John the truth