"loving Mom"
I don't know if that is what I got out of her at the end lol. She was still begging for even his acceptance and looking at the flowers like that. She still going through it in a way. Yes its enough of a Win for Sally hive but she still going through it.
Did you miss the scene where she admits she couldn't be close to him because she wasn't even close to herself and then they embrace and she almost dies and is more concerned with his safety than her own?
I'll keep spoonfeeding you whatever you need. Just stop biting my hand lol
"She can't love her son because she wants admiration"
Did you miss the scene where she admits she couldn't be close to him because she wasn't even close to herself and then they embrace and she almost dies and is more concerned with his safety than her own?
I'll keep spoonfeeding you whatever you need. Just stop biting my hand lol
"She can't love her son because she wants admiration"
I think her being that cold all season til to the point of death just didn't work for me. "I'll keep spoonfeeding you whatever you need"
Rockman you got multiple people telling you the same thing as I and you aren't responding to any of them
You talking down to me and being a passive aggressive condescending b****
When we just vibing. I said she still going through it in a way. Yes she cares about her son much more than earlier in the season. It is not "she can't love her son because she craves his acceptance" part of that acceptance she craves shows the love. Its partly to me she still created the Son with Barry and fears him glorifying barry or doesn't as OldAssNigga says tell him the entire truth about his father again. Just tells him don't watch the movie that she knows he inevitably eventually will see.
Barry and Sally were a little too cold post time jump that is all I am saying. Seeing them fall in love or decide to have a child or see them at least happy when they had the child so that the child was more than "is it really their child" for a series of episodes to show they were hollow apathetic hyper religious or alcoholics would have hit for me.
If you loved every part of how the show was executed and it connected for you through and through. I am happy for you. That is f***ing great. I am not here to affect your enjoyment in anyway shape or form and have multiple times said I enjoyed the run of this show and I marathoned 3 seasons recently. I overall think this ending is satisfying. Me articulating what did or didn't fully work for me doesn't mean I don't understand the THEMES or reasons for writing decisions. You don't have to come on KTT and talk down to people to feel good about yourself. Especially me who in here posting sally hive and chilling.
Sally rejecting the dude after the play and only caring about what her son thinks is a massive W
Sally: Redemption is when you take responsibility
Drinks herself into a stupor and can't get close to her son
Sally: Confesses to her son that her life is a lie
Hmmm but why did she change???
Barry thinking he can solve everything by killing
Barry being an unfeeling, selfish psycho
Barry getting got by a father figure
We know this but the sad part is character development wise he is basically where he was at the start where for some of these multiple seasons it felt like he was DEVELOPING. He is basically exactly where he was at the pilot episode of the show
Sally: Redemption is when you take responsibility
Drinks herself into a stupor and can't get close to her son
Sally: Confesses to her son that her life is a lie
Hmmm but why did she change???
That is not what I am saying at all. I am glad she has changed and grown........ Its for me how it was executed.
Sally rejecting the dude after the play and only caring about what her son thinks is a massive W
this I loved
We know this but the sad part is character development wise he is basically where he was at the start where for some of these multiple seasons it felt like he was DEVELOPING. He is basically exactly where he was at the pilot episode of the show
And that's why he dies. Because he doesn't change. Gene doesn't change either. Hank doesn't change either. Fuches and Sally do
And that's why he dies. Because he doesn't change. Gene doesn't change either. Hank doesn't change either. Fuches and Sally do
oh yes I agree. Barry did change throughout 3 seasons to some degree though for me. Yes killing was still his solution but he felt more human. than final season where he feels reverted to less human than where we even saw him in season 1. Which works for some but not for others
Again I would call him a mass shooter by the end. I wouldn't even call it out of character if he killed civilians in his quest to save his son in the end. He could have killed anyone in this finale and I wouldn't be surprised
Me personally the shows I connect with most have some level of change (Breaking Bad redemption story I was mixed on). So that is all I am saying. The first half of the season I personally loved more than the second. That doesn't mean I didn't get the themes.....
I have openly been in here talking about Fuches The Raven growth and ability to let it go which leaves him being the happiest character. Gene shoots his son, flees for 8 years then comes back for chance at fame with Mark Wahlberg clint eastwood praying they make him the hero of the story. Only to kill Barry with Rip Torn gun.
Like I get all of that. Sally going from seeing delusions , trying to confess to police officer, infinite guilt for killing a human being to being held captive and seeing killing ( which would be more trauma) being her catalyst for character growth doesn't hit for me yes I know she close to death and possibly her son through Barry.
I have been for Barry dying all season whether he changed or not.
As a character I like she got a overall happy ending though.
Just watched the finale.
The entire final season was… baffling to say the least
Just watched the finale.
The entire final season was… baffling to say the least
you have any part of final season you truly value?
I think the phrase I would use to describe the way this show ended, and I mean this as a positive, is “fucked up”.
As I said before the way it got to that point was choppy but the idea of Gene taking the fall for everything is f***ing dark
Sally rejecting the dude after the play and only caring about what her son thinks is a massive W
Where was she driving to with the flowers?
Where was she driving to with the flowers?
Sally’s final scene is in her car, driving alone, and admiring her bouquet of flowers. She struck me as being content. What was the direction you were given there? And how would you characterize where Sally is in her future life?
I think content was the exact word. Bill used the word “content” to me. When the history teacher asks her on a date, I love that as a penultimate scene because it validates how she’s really done with men. We’ve seen her on such a bumpy ride with these terrible relationships and she’s happy, in a sweet way, to just say no to a date. I thought, “Good for you, Sally.” Then in the car, we actually pared it down even further. There was another beat where a love song comes on the radio, and she rejects the song and switches the radio off and then looks at the flowers. We went even simpler with it. It’s not an Oscar in the chair next to her. It’s a bouquet of d****tore flowers at best. Maybe supermarket flowers if the students splurged. It’s such a simple thing, but she is fulfilled.
That wasn’t the last thing I shot. The last thing I shot was that penultimate scene in the snow. But this was one of my last days, and we knew it would be my final Barry scene. For all of our final shots, there was a kind of quiet that took over. It was just a soft, calm, and quiet day on set. The direction was really just contentment and enjoying this quiet ride alone home. I can’t believe she almost has a happy ending.
From here vulture.com/article/interview-sarah-goldberg-barry-season-4-finale-sally.html
Where was she driving to with the flowers?
The show’s final shot is Barry’s son absorbing this revisionist film history about the life of his father being a hero. I’m curious how you interpreted it. Does he believe what he’s seeing? And do you think Sally encouraged this line of thought?
I think he knows it’s not true, but he’s relieved there’s a positive message out in the world. He’s potentially willing to choose the lie. The reason I don’t think he believes it’s real is because of the whole sequence of them escaping the bloodshed between the gangs. He’ll remember that and it plays so differently to what actually happened. His father was not this big hero on that day. You can see it in his face for just a brief second, that he’s recalling, “Oh, that’s not how I remembered that happening.” It’s a beautiful, subtle performance.
First of all, she never let her son watch the movie. That’s why he’s having to sneak away to a sleepover to see it. But secondly, I don’t think that’s something she would encourage in the household. She’s not letting Barry live on a heroic pedestal. If anything, she’s avoiding it all. I don’t think she’s evolved enough at this point to be in family therapy and get to the bottom of everything. Maybe they’ll get there, but I would imagine she would be more like, “We don’t talk about your father,” or, “Your father was a complicated man.” She did tell John before the shootout, “He was in jail because he killed a lot of people and he’s a murderer.” She told him the truth as a child. I wonder how many times he’s asked her since then and she’ll say, “I don’t want to talk about it.” I don’t think there’s an open discussion between them, but there’s not a sugar-coated version, either. She really cut him out of their lives. I don’t think there’s a photo of Barry in the house.
The act of redemption was something that followed Barry throughout the season, with Sally even telling him the only way he can be redeemed is by taking responsibility for his actions. Did Sally have anything she needed to redeem for herself, and was she successful in doing it?
She needed to redeem herself for being such a terrible, absent, and abusive mother. I mean, she’s giving her kid vodka. She needed to rise to the occasion. That boy didn’t choose to exist and now he’s left without a dad. I think she steps into the role of a good enough mother. We’ve got that final scene and he says, “I love you.” And her response is, “Was my show good?” Instead of, “I love you, too.” I don’t think she’s winning any awards for the mother she’s become, but she’s done the best she possibly could have under the circumstances.
THIS IS THE ACTRESS HERSELF saying the same sentiment as me
I hope Sarah Goldberg gets more work in something good. Unfortunately it seems like she’s starring in some show on some streamer that nobody uses.
you have any part of final season you truly value?
I think it was really well directed & acted, and the cinematography was great.
There were some very puzzling story and writing choices though
Sally and Fuches (and to an extent Barry) being the only ones having a happy ending of sorts is wild, considering they were the most hated characters
I hope Sarah Goldberg gets more work in something good. Unfortunately it seems like she’s starring in some show on some streamer that nobody uses.
Industry season 3
That show isn’t on the same level of Barry or Succession but it’s good enough there was a quality jump from 1 to 2 for sure
Sally and Fuches (and to an extent Barry) being the only ones having a happy ending of sorts is wild, considering they were the most hated characters
Fuches getting out alive was awesome
I know he’s technically one of the worst characters in that show but man Stephen Root played him so well and I loved how much of a cockroach he was. Like he had no business surviving beyond the first few episodes but he somehow always found a way