Mrs. Maisel finale > Barry S4E7 > Succession finale > Barry season finale
Someone else in the world who still watches Maisel
show went from critical darling sweeping award shows with cult fanbase to a show that it feels like 15 people watch
But I’ve loved every season and it’s crazy all 3 of these shows ended in the same week
Someone else in the world who still watches Maisel
show went from critical darling sweeping award shows with cult fanbase to a show that it feels like 15 people watch
But I’ve loved every season and it’s crazy all 3 of these shows ended in the same week
You should’ve been on the subreddit. Only place on the web people talk about it.
when that one guy tossed the grenade during the gunfight
that’s the moment i was like “oh ok, they’re gunna completely wipe each other out”
Barry and Sally were a little too cold post time jump that is all I am saying. Seeing them fall in love or decide to have a child or see them at least happy when they had the child so that the child was more than "is it really their child" for a series of episodes to show they were hollow apathetic hyper religious or alcoholics would have hit for me.
If you loved every part of how the show was executed and it connected for you through and through. I am happy for you. That is f***ing great. I am not here to affect your enjoyment in anyway shape or form and have multiple times said I enjoyed the run of this show and I marathoned 3 seasons recently. I overall think this ending is satisfying. Me articulating what did or didn't fully work for me doesn't mean I don't understand the THEMES or reasons for writing decisions. You don't have to come on KTT and talk down to people to feel good about yourself. Especially me who in here posting sally hive and chilling.
couldn't agree more. show would have benefited from one more season at least
Mrs. Maisel finale > Barry S4E7 > Succession finale > Barry season finale
this episode was infinitely better than e7 bruh, what the f***
what did you like better? imo the finale is in the top 5 episodes of the whole show
Show was perfect imo
Each season is different in a distinct way and for good reason
Loved this season especially
Haven't watched the last 2 eps and apparently the finale is s***. Imma kms.
finale is brilliant
couldn't agree more. show would have benefited from one more season at least
oh I don't know about one more season I do think it could have benefited from showing them as human a little bit more when they at least decided to have the child. The 2 maybe 3 episodes before they came back to the city just felt fillerish during their parts.
Need something else to watch now.
Boardwalk empire
On my list atm. Sucks there’s nothing coming out weekly that I wanna see that I can think of.
No more Barry Sundays
The Boys soon
Leftovers ( but less dramedy)
Beef if you haven't started I don't remember
Haven't watched the last 2 eps and apparently the finale is s***. Imma kms.
Nah watch for yourself.
pretty simple. jus dont enter. who goes into a thread after a SERIES FINALE that hasnt watched yet
lol he posted at the top of the page "don't want this show to end" when its already over
I hope people are just joking lol
lol come on ending it there would have just been silly
Fr getting that epilogue that says Barry got buried with full honors and gene ended up with life in jail was so darkly perfect
Fr getting that epilogue that says Barry got buried with full honors and gene ended up with life in jail was so darkly perfect
Twitter being like "would be funny if it just ended there" worries me lol
Twitter being like "would be funny if it just ended there" worries me lol
Would’ve been too much like sopranos ending but no ambiguity
the cut to black had me worried for a second
Would’ve been too much like sopranos ending but no ambiguity
the cut to black had me worried for a second
lol I had the time at the bottom for much of it so I knew we had more
The Boys soon
Leftovers ( but less dramedy)
Beef if you haven't started I don't remember
Been in a mafia mood recently so I might try boardwalk empire
lol I had the time at the bottom for much of it so I knew we had more
I saw some mfs say they thought it would be 10 mins of black screen for the rest of the runtime would’ve made it top 5 worst hbo finales