word to matrix 4
Lol now y’all get to word to matrix 4
Neo went from attempting to commit suicide to jumping and flying while others jump to their death just to stop him .
Lol now y’all get to word to matrix 4
Neo went from attempting to commit suicide to jumping and flying while others jump to their death just to stop him .
bro i was the one who told backlava to go see it in theatres i always f***ed with the matrix 4 message
It’s in short and back on topic hard to blend fan service , combining realism , every philosophical story , other comics and trying to make the most money possible in one movie
bro i was the one who told backlava to go see it in theatres i always f***ed with the matrix 4 message
NobodyWins will hate you forever you got his boy set up to hate it
NobodyWins will hate you forever you got his boy set up to hate it
i felt terrible afterwards
It’s in short and back on topic hard to blend fan service , combining realism , every philosophical story , other comics and trying to make the most money possible in one movie
naw like brave said tho im a fan of what the movie strived to be rather than what it is as a whole
there is some irredeemable s*** in there like the email scene but visuals was god tier and stuff like the superman montage is better than anything from any mcu movie
bvs batman origin intro better than anything in the mcu as well
I think fans getting obsessed with an unnecessary mcu rivalry doomed the dceu
I think fans getting obsessed with an unnecessary mcu rivalry doomed the dceu
marvel vs dc in house rivalry been going on since the 60s of course it would transfer to tv and film as well
not even just the fans fault
naw like brave said tho im a fan of what the movie strived to be rather than what it is as a whole
there is some irredeemable s*** in there like the email scene but visuals was god tier and stuff like the superman montage is better than anything from any mcu movie
Moneydragon realizing he will inevitably like one movie from gunnverse better than mcu
marvel vs dc in house rivalry been going on since the 60s of course it would transfer to tv and film as well
not even just the fans fault
Nah they could have been separate lanes but y’all fed into it a lot . Man of steel was an entirely separate lane than anything marvel had dropped
Moneydragon realizing he will inevitably like one movie from gunnverse better than mcu
thats fine i like x men 2 better than the mcu and it was directed by actual pedophile i can remove art from artist after the fct if s*** actually dope 75% james gunn s*** trash tho
Nah they could have been separate lanes but y’all fed into it a lot . Man of steel was an entirely separate lane than anything marvel had dropped
yeah something happened after bvs because that wasnt planned to launch the entire dc movie universe until shortly after it dropped even tho theres batman easter eggs in it
thats fine i like x men 2 better than the mcu and it was directed by actual pedophile i can remove art from artist after the fct if s*** actually dope 75% james gunn s*** trash tho
as long as i aint giving em my money i dont care if the movies are good thats a w
as long as i aint giving em my money i dont care if the movies are good thats a w
So you going to cope by may 1st?
So you going to cope by may 1st?
ima find a way to see flash in theatres for free
trailer was hardddd
ima find a way to see flash in theatres for free
trailer was hardddd
I see a T-Mobile Tuesday for a cheap ticket coming
I see a T-Mobile Tuesday for a cheap ticket coming
naw they not getting a dime from me
naw they not getting a dime from me
If Ben said he was in it 10 minutes you in . I think he purposefully said 5 minutes to lower sales
If Ben said he was in it 10 minutes you in . I think he purposefully said 5 minutes to lower sales
naw cause even if movie did a billi off batfleck fans wb would jus say it was michael keaton