u will never be on ben affleck level in anything u do in life ben affleck will always do whatever u doing better than u unless u expert at being a b**** u beat ben affleck there bro
ok matt damon
Ben directing would be goated
A director who lived the role and had a vision for a movie based on the character already planned out, and without the stress of acting and directing at the same time, I feel like Ben could bring a very unique and inspired outlook to the film
Between Ben and James Mangold being amongst Gunn as potential directors for the future of DC, it’s looking like a great lineup director-wise so far
Between Ben and James Mangold being amongst Gunn as potential directors for the future of DC, it’s looking like a great lineup director-wise so far
hell naw if gunn direct this its batman and robin level
u will never be on ben affleck level in anything u do in life ben affleck will always do whatever u doing better than u unless u expert at being a b**** u beat ben affleck there bro
Ya choking over there?
If they do this right it’s gonna be the freshest live action portrayal of the Batman mythos since Batman Begins
We get a live action Robin for the first time in 25 years and it’s Damian Wayne? Holy s*** that’s gonna be a good shock for the audience
shut yo b****ass up u not the real knx
When you become a die hard affleck fan ?
Ben was a solid rendition in mediocre at best movies lol, how tf is he better than bale or pattinson.
Also maybe I’ll give ZSJL slightly above average, it was enjoyable for the most part despite it being 4 hours long because the plot is once again filled with too much s*** going on.