It's actually criminal that live action Batman movies have so little great fight scenes. I want to see why Batman's presence strikes fear in criminals. I don't get that from Robert Pattinson and Christian Bale's Batman but I think Ben Affleck could of nailed that energy
Nah you right
When they had him crawling on the ceiling in BvS
That would make me s*** my pants bruh
Absolutely perfect choice for Damian here. This the kid from Euphoria
And bro is a boxer and gymnast
Absolutely perfect choice for Damian here. This the kid from Euphoria
And bro is a boxer and gymnast
I actually love this casting
Absolutely perfect choice for Damian here. This the kid from Euphoria
And bro is a boxer and gymnast
Let him keep that fade too
plleeasse god dont let it be george clooney
It is him unfortunately
Really f***ing stupid
It is him unfortunately
Really f***ing stupid
No Ben Affleck please I don't want him handling a film of this level and style
Absolutely perfect choice for Damian here. This the kid from Euphoria
And bro is a boxer and gymnast
Real tho I think they should get an actor whose actually part arab
It is him unfortunately
Really f***ing stupid
This has to be a joke right?
I cannot believe people want Clooney back as Batman for the DCU.
I wouldn’t be mad about it
Real tho I think they should get an actor whose actually part arab
He’s only a quarter Arab I believe