They just gotta go back to detective batman instead of overpowered sexy batman that s*** boring as hell
White men love Batman because they wanna f*** the people that see him as a father.
White men also love batman because they too want to be able to treat criminals however they want despite not actually being the police... while also working with the police on some Kyle Rottenhouse s***
Okay Superman
Or i guess not back cuz they barely touched on that side of him. A big reason i dont f*** with the Nolan trilogies no more cuz that s*** is corny ngl.
Not tryna bite marvels style but i like the way they handled Daredevil. Dude was a ass kicking crimefighter with a superhuman element.
Praying they make Patterson a more realistic batman and why i wish they never included the batmobile
You think the batmobile has a vin number? Better hope bruce wayne pays excise taxes on that hoe
Or just skip straight to batman beyond and give him a suit so we can cover up the giant hole in the story as to how batman can fight other superheroes/villains without dying immediately
Or just skip straight to batman beyond and give him a suit so we can cover up the giant hole in the story as to how batman can fight other superheroes/villains without dying immediately
Surprised no one popped him in the mouth yet
Bruce was able to survive a watered down punch to the head from Superman that lifted him off the ground and threw him across the room and got up like nothing happened even though his helmet split open Plotman can do all that but let a gang of Trick or Treaters beat his ass
They just gotta go back to detective batman instead of overpowered sexy batman that s*** boring as hell
Been wanting a scifi neon noir detective Batman Beyond mini series on hbo for a minute now
Batman Beyond the best Batman tbh
Wish they'd make a batman beyond game at least
Wish they'd make a batman beyond game at least
Thatd be hard as hell. Imagine upgrading. If they did a return of joker level and you gotta fly the batjet to avoid the laser
The real problem with Batman is that he too often transcends the limits of man. It becomes ridiculous when you see him take on people like Darkseid, even it’s through trickery it’s nonsense. People saying s*** like “All Batman needs is prep time” and he’ll beat literally anyone. There is no limit to his abilities. Early on it was cool, but now we’re in an age where comic characters are more fleshed out, and for someone who is suppose to be grounded in a sense, all that is thrown out the window with Batman.
It’s one thing for him to be able to exploit a weakness, but he does it to literal Gods and it’s just comical. But that’s a general problem I have the western superhero genre as a whole. They don’t know how to scale powers, and give people limits. I generally do not like OP characters
Thatd be hard as hell. Imagine upgrading. If they did a return of joker level and you gotta fly the batjet to avoid the laser
Magine it first person
Collecting forensics and scanning finger prints and s***.
And it wouldn't be the only method on solving a crime but different intell you collect takes you down different paths.
Like a Batman Ghost In The Shell type deal.
I'd play that s***
its a matter of when
We two regular degular niggas
"We just two guys from ktt "