They said he's just Jeff Bezos after a couple kickboxing classes
This nigga be going toe to toe with gods but let joker pull out a squirt gun or crowbar then all that "training" and martial arts he bought goes out the window
He built a robot suit that kicked supermans ass but now I'm supposed to believe he's struggling with stopping the joker from poisoning gothams water supply??? Furreal?
Also it's DC's fault for oversaturating him because they think it's the only thing that will sell
Another problem is they don't write Batman smart to reach a goal. They write everyone around him dumber and make choices they'd never make under any other circumstances just so Batman can get the W. It's boring
This too
He built a robot suit that kicked supermans ass but now I'm supposed to believe he's struggling with stopping the joker from poisoning gothams water supply??? Furreal?
Joker hopped out with 2 Rottweilers and a crowbar and he was shook
I understand it’s mostly jokes and they are usually funny but then people use the memes to try and make Batman look like the worst hero...
He's just a rich white boy.
As a Batman stan i'm not gon lie a lot of it is pretty funny but it really means nothing. The world stops everytime a Batman movie drops
As a Batman stan i'm not gon lie a lot of it is pretty funny but it really means nothing. The world stops everytime a Batman movie drops
Unfortunately as a guy who likes Batman, that's a double edged sword
Unfortunately as a guy who likes Batman, that's a double edged sword
Lmao trust me I feel you, outside of the movies and games I've been tuning everything Batman related out. Have no interest in the Batman CW s***, don't care about Batman in Titans, DC already is cutting most of their books but you know the majority of their output will be Batman related. Like I was hype for Death Metal but I lost interest.
Even in the animated world every time they announce a new Batman movie i'm like "that's nice". I have way more interest in more obscure properties like Strange Adventures.
Lmao trust me I feel you, outside of the movies and games I've been tuning everything Batman related out. Have no interest in the Batman CW s***, don't care about Batman in Titans, DC already is cutting most of their books but you know the majority of their output will be Batman related. Like I was hype for Death Metal but I lost interest.
Even in the animated world every time they announce a new Batman movie i'm like "that's nice". I have way more interest in more obscure properties like Strange Adventures.
I was just getting into Death Metal and Batman who laughs and all that but moviewise they're cheapening the boy's name
I was just getting into Death Metal and Batman who laughs and all that but moviewise they're cheapening the boy's name
Man niggas really need to make a good ass superman movie, they been hoeing my dawg for decades
Man niggas really need to make a good ass superman movie, they been hoeing my dawg for decades
DC only know 4 superman stories
Man of steel was straight but I think BvS was a step in the wrong direction. The reliance on audiences' familiarity with batman and dark knight returns and death of superman really hurt the movie.
However, I been watching a lot of Superman the Animated Series, JLU, and I just watched Superman 1 last week. DC is missing the heart and soul of superman and that's what makes superman cool to me. The morality and unwavering optimism despite how the world may be and the issues that come from that.
Its been a while since I watched it but Superman vs The Elite is one of the better if not the best animated Superman movie.
DC only know 4 superman stories
Man of steel was straight but I think BvS was a step in the wrong direction. The reliance on audiences' familiarity with batman and dark knight returns and death of superman really hurt the movie.
However, I been watching a lot of Superman the Animated Series, JLU, and I just watched Superman 1 last week. DC is missing the heart and soul of superman and that's what makes superman cool to me. The morality and unwavering optimism despite how the world may be and the issues that come from that.
Its been a while since I watched it but Superman vs The Elite is one of the better if not the best animated Superman movie.
I gotta check out Superman vs The Elite then
Superman Animated series and JLU were so fire, it made me realize why I love Superman like you said
The films, the most recent outputs had turned me away from Superman as a whole and I think thats unfair cause he is a super complex super hero with an interesting backstory
White men love Batman because they wanna f*** the people that see him as a father.
White men also love batman because they too want to be able to treat criminals however they want despite not actually being the police... while also working with the police on some Kyle Rottenhouse s***
Alright superman
This nigga be going toe to toe with gods but let joker pull out a squirt gun or crowbar then all that "training" and martial arts he bought goes out the window
Joker never goes toe to toe with Batman though so this doesn’t make sense.
He actually fights other villains whereas Joker catches him off guard when he’s trying to disarm a bomb a save civilians. Joker usually runs away
Lmao this is one of those ones that are completely wrong and trash because Batman doesn’t go after people like that I don’t even know where this came from
Alright superman
Crazy how Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, GL, and Martian Manhunter are more relatable
Usually don't like these, but this s*** funny
Crazy how Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, GL, and Martian Manhunter are more relatable
Batman isn’t supposed to be relatable though
Lmao this is one of those ones that are completely wrong and trash because Batman doesn’t go after people like that I don’t even know where this came from
I Just watched Joker slice batman across the chest and stab him just above his knee and toss him down a bunch of big ass toy blocks like a scene from Toy Story
It was a one on one
I gotta check out Superman vs The Elite then
Superman Animated series and JLU were so fire, it made me realize why I love Superman like you said
The films, the most recent outputs had turned me away from Superman as a whole and I think thats unfair cause he is a super complex super hero with an interesting backstory
yeah i watched Death of superman and redson and superman unbound and them s***s were lame. Super meh.
But in the series I heard him give some solid lines that made me go
Thats an issue with how they write him currently. In MoS he had a great line but most of the time people are talking at him