this already sounding like the third best BH album
nah b this sounding like the BEST
what would you say ranks above this so far
teen dream and bloom cemented 1 and 2 for me
teen dream and bloom cemented 1 and 2 for me
can't argue that tbh they don't miss
can't argue that tbh they don't miss
which chapter you liek more?
imo off one listen ch 2 s***s on 1 but superstar the best song so far
which chapter you liek more?
imo off one listen ch 2 s***s on 1 but superstar the best song so far
recency bias kicking me heavy dawg i fw chapter 2 heavy heavy heavy off first listen. i loved chapter 1 too but new romance, esp, and runaway hit me HARD
recency bias kicking me heavy dawg i fw chapter 2 heavy heavy heavy off first listen. i loved chapter 1 too but new romance, esp, and runaway hit me HARD
ya I gotta listen a few times to make sure im not crazy
ya I gotta listen a few times to make sure im not crazy
i played the f*** outta chapter 1 when it first dropped so it may affect my taste but yeah i cant think of a single song that sounds like runaway in their discography and i'd probably say it's my favorite track no question
These new songs are all so rich. Seeing them live is gonna be nuts
I can’t wait to see them
So glad I got good tix for the show next year. This Era has been nothing but bliss so far
I listened to Part 1 but I feel like Febrauary gonna be here in no time so I might as well wait it out for the rest all at once