  • Updated Jun 1, 2021

    so my beard is about a pinky fingers length from the bottom of my chin, been working on it for awhile and finally have a solid routine i think works for me

    interested to know my fellow bearded friends routines (if any), also willing to answer and questions / tips for people growing beards or wanting to start

    i’m not an expert, but i think i’ve gathered enough information in my journey to help

    this routine may seem like a lot, but i am victim to having a pretty dry beard, so this keeps it nice and hydrated, and looking really full and healthy. i’m fully aware all some people need is oil and can have a perfect looking beard, i am not one of those lucky ones

    Washing Routine
    Day 1. shampoo / conditioner
    Day 2. rinse
    Day 3. conditioner
    Day 4. shampoo
    Day 5. conditioner
    Day 6. rinse

    Back to Day 1

    Daily Routine
    Step 1. shower (or corresponding washing routine)
    Step 2. comb
    Step 3. get beard towel dry/damp
    Step 4. oil
    Step 5. wait 5 minutes...
    Step 6. butter
    Step 7. brush

    Step 1. get beard wet
    Step 2. get it to damp level / towel dry
    Step 3. if shower -> oil, butter, if shower -> butter
    Step 4. comb

    Once a Week:

    • Deep condition my beard using a beard leave in conditioner. I shower and fully was beard and then leave it on for 40 mins to an hour before washing out
    • Trim fly aways / line up

    When I go out and need really nice hood/presentation, I use beard balm. I only use it when I know I can wash it completely the next day.

    Combing Tips

    • try and only comb when damp or product is in beard, combing a dry beard and lead to split ends
    • comb once in morning once in the evening
    • do not comb same direction every time. go in every direction when you can

    General Beard Tips

    • At the VERY LEAST, use beard oil daily after showers or after getting it wet. Beard oil is the single most important beard product
    • Trim at least once a week to get rid of split ends (if any), fly always, fast growers
    • Trimming can be done either before your routine or after, i started doing it after i have oil and balm it, that way i can really see the hair that isn’t cooperating

    Recommended Products

    • Oil (most important, if you don’t buy anything else, at least buy this!)
    • Beard Specific Shampoo and Conditioner
    • Balm
    • Butter
    • Beard specific brush
    • Beard specific comb
    • Deep conditioner for once a week use
    • trimming scissors
    • Small pocket comb (trust me, will come in handy)

    A common theme with most of these products is to make sure you are using BEARD SPECIFIC ones. Please don’t use hair shampoo and conditioner on your beard, and beard brushes and combs are usually made with materials that won’t damage your beard

  • Mar 17, 2021
    1 reply

    Don’t have a beard but I’ve been more comfortable growing out my mustache + goatee now that it’s becoming thicker and fuller

    I don’t do much besides throw some coconut oil or JBC on it once a day but I have thought about getting some beard oil for if

  • Mar 17, 2021
    1 reply

    In the Gypsy community, a beard is considered the ultimate representation of high testosterone masculinity. Everybody knows the travelling man is the fighting man, so the tough guy act is pointless within our community. We often assess who is the manliest of all men through close a***ysis of beard growth and thickness. A man should be able to grow a beard within a few days.

  • Mar 17, 2021

    Don’t have a beard but I’ve been more comfortable growing out my mustache + goatee now that it’s becoming thicker and fuller

    I don’t do much besides throw some coconut oil or JBC on it once a day but I have thought about getting some beard oil for if

    yeah i’d def recommend beard oil

    the amount you would use depends on length, but even for goatees it will help the skin underneath and stimulate growth

  • Mar 17, 2021
    1 reply

    Another A1 op @hotpancakes

    This last year I’ve completely neglected my beard but I’m hoping when life returns maybe I will start to focus more

  • Mar 17, 2021
    2 replies

    In the Gypsy community, a beard is considered the ultimate representation of high testosterone masculinity. Everybody knows the travelling man is the fighting man, so the tough guy act is pointless within our community. We often assess who is the manliest of all men through close a***ysis of beard growth and thickness. A man should be able to grow a beard within a few days.

    and here i am just growing a beard to hide my baby face

  • Mar 17, 2021

    Another A1 op @hotpancakes

    This last year I’ve completely neglected my beard but I’m hoping when life returns maybe I will start to focus more

    thanks fam!

    yeah i neglected mine too and the start of quarantine and about 3 months in i started to look into repairing it, and it led me down this path haha

    it’s a lot to do sometimes, especially in the mornings, but it eventually just becomes routine. the hardest part is getting started really

  • Mar 17, 2021
    1 reply

    Imagine not dermarolling at least 3 times a week

  • Mar 17, 2021
    1 reply

    U shouldnt wash ur beard that often, its natural oils are most important for it

  • Mar 17, 2021
    1 reply

    U shouldnt wash ur beard that often, its natural oils are most important for it

    i agree oils are def important, but from what i gathered the beard shampoo is what really strips the oils from it, so that’s why i only shampoo twice a week.

    the rinse is basically just taking a normal shower without doing any beard stuff. i don’t use a cover or anything, but i also don’t “wash” it persay

    also, using beard oil every time after it gets wet supplements the rinses

  • Mar 17, 2021
    hot pancakes

    i agree oils are def important, but from what i gathered the beard shampoo is what really strips the oils from it, so that’s why i only shampoo twice a week.

    the rinse is basically just taking a normal shower without doing any beard stuff. i don’t use a cover or anything, but i also don’t “wash” it persay

    also, using beard oil every time after it gets wet supplements the rinses

    Yeah definitely but I feel like shampoo once a week is enough, if I do it more than once my beard suffers a bit

    Hard to not do it more than once since Im physically active at least 3 days a week and therefore sweat a lot

  • Mar 17, 2021

    I wanna add genetics and time play a big part of what you can grow too. Thanks for reminding me to buy oil. Haven't used any in a minute

  • Mar 17, 2021
    1 reply

    I can't grow s***, it's sad

  • loading 🧊
    Mar 17, 2021
    1 reply

    hopefully i’ll be back in this thread in like 6 months. prob a year. looks like i got the follicles in the right place but the growth ain’t there to keep it yet 🙏

  • Mar 17, 2021
    1 reply

    Imagine not dermarolling at least 3 times a week

    Does it make that great of a difference? What have u noticed

  • Mar 17, 2021
    hot pancakes

    and here i am just growing a beard to hide my baby face

    That’s why I started growing my facial hair

    People always think I look younger than I actually am

  • Mar 17, 2021
    1 reply

    With my beard I look 24/25

    Clean shaven I look 18

  • Mar 17, 2021
    Majin GoldenChild

    Does it make that great of a difference? What have u noticed

    It definitely promotes growth but my s*** was growing steady anyways. It brings blood circulation to your face and is just generally good for your skin. Dermaroll and throw some castor oil on that for good results

  • loading 🧊
    Mar 17, 2021
    Majin GoldenChild

    With my beard I look 24/25

    Clean shaven I look 18

    damb. women ain’t lying when they say that beard is like make up

  • Mar 17, 2021
    1 reply

    hopefully i’ll be back in this thread in like 6 months. prob a year. looks like i got the follicles in the right place but the growth ain’t there to keep it yet 🙏

    yeah mine started to grow in patchy so i always just used to leave stubble

    but when lockdown happened i just said f*** it and didn’t shave for like months

    it did help though, and a combination of beard oil and facial care and it all started to grow in

    still have a few spots where more hair could be, but you can hardly notice it unless you look for it

    a beard guy i watched on youtube said to just let it grow for as long as you can stand it and have patience and it will start to come in

    definitely understand waiting tho, i wouldn’t have went for it if i had to leave the house lol

  • Mar 17, 2021
    1 reply

    I can't grow s***, it's sad

    i couldn’t either for the longest time until i just said f*** it and stopped shaving. i just let hair grow, s*** just started to grow in random spots on my face and ngl i looked bummy for a few months lmaoo

    but after awhile it started to fill out. i’m a big believer in beard oil, even if it’s just on your skin it may help, it can stimulate the follicles for growth

  • Mar 17, 2021
    hot pancakes

    i couldn’t either for the longest time until i just said f*** it and stopped shaving. i just let hair grow, s*** just started to grow in random spots on my face and ngl i looked bummy for a few months lmaoo

    but after awhile it started to fill out. i’m a big believer in beard oil, even if it’s just on your skin it may help, it can stimulate the follicles for growth

    I went 2 months no shaving and there was these two spots on my face the beard just wouldn't fill in at

    It's been a year and I tried again last month, one side of my face fills in really nicely now but the other still doesnt

  • loading 🧊
    Mar 17, 2021
    hot pancakes

    yeah mine started to grow in patchy so i always just used to leave stubble

    but when lockdown happened i just said f*** it and didn’t shave for like months

    it did help though, and a combination of beard oil and facial care and it all started to grow in

    still have a few spots where more hair could be, but you can hardly notice it unless you look for it

    a beard guy i watched on youtube said to just let it grow for as long as you can stand it and have patience and it will start to come in

    definitely understand waiting tho, i wouldn’t have went for it if i had to leave the house lol

    lol yeah everytime i wanted to do no shave i ended up having to shave early. i wanna try a thick moustache too at some point. noob question is beard oil the same as castor oil? i use beard oil but i just found some castor oil at home

  • Mar 17, 2021
    1 reply

    Shampoo and comb mine when I shower

    has been aggravating me lately, been thinking about cutting it off

  • Mar 17, 2021
    2 replies

    Bruh I’m so ass at trimming mine, lowkey afraid to touch it until I go to a barber