  • Feb 20, 2020

    So this about your p****? Ok, idk why you afraid to admit bro

    lmao it's not

    nothing to do w being afraid it just doesnt matter what it is

  • Feb 20, 2020
    u ok jay

    you got this homie. i was considering my nicotine addiction yesterday (maybe not as severe or hard to triumph as your addiction), and something i read online went to the effect of:

    every time i crave nicotine or something triggers me to want some, i imagine my brain as a crying baby throwing a tantrum. it just wants this thing so badly regardless of repercussions and gets so upset if it can't get it. f*** that baby.

    the dude said that visualization helped him realize how silly the grip addiction had on him is. maybe it could help you and me too

    I feel this man. It's actually very similar to my addiction.

    Thank you for ur input


  • Feb 20, 2020

    Try to learn a new that will keep you productive, productivity beats addiction because the moment you stop being busy the urges will kick in



  • Feb 20, 2020
    1 reply

    Bro just say youre addicted to weed

  • plants 🌻
    Feb 20, 2020
    1 reply

    Love the people itt talking s*** about op without knowing a goddamn thing about him.

    Good s*** brother. I been sober since the new year and it's an incredibly powerful feeling. Like I'm finally becoming the person I always wanted to be and was always destined to be. Just keep on with your self growth. I picked up a passion planner which has helped me immensely so the journaling definitely works imo. I just needed that added structure.

  • Feb 20, 2020

    Bro just say youre addicted to weed

    why would i lie?

  • Feb 20, 2020
    1 reply
    · edited

    Love the people itt talking s*** about op without knowing a goddamn thing about him.

    Good s*** brother. I been sober since the new year and it's an incredibly powerful feeling. Like I'm finally becoming the person I always wanted to be and was always destined to be. Just keep on with your self growth. I picked up a passion planner which has helped me immensely so the journaling definitely works imo. I just needed that added structure.

    Structure is so key

    I've been tryna get more organised too and I feel like it helps with the self discipline and improving my life overall

  • Feb 20, 2020
    1 reply

    i think op talking bout a girl lol

  • Feb 20, 2020

    i think op talking bout a girl lol

    u lot weird lol

  • plants 🌻
    Feb 20, 2020

    Structure is so key

    I've been tryna get more organised too and I feel like it helps with the self discipline and improving my life overall

    Big RT. Structure and routine come in so key. Me from 5 years ago would probably call me today "boring" but instead I know that I'm dependable, humble, compassionate, genuine, and have more self-control than ever before. So happy for you and your progress man.

  • Feb 20, 2020

    Good luck op i did the exact same thing to beat my addiction

  • proper 🔩
    Feb 20, 2020

    entry #2
    it’s like god wants me to be addicted to painkillers god dammit.

    on my third day on withdrawals/cold turkey and I’m surprisingly feeling a lot better than yesterday and falling asleep last night was surprisingly easy.

    feel like I can be back to normal if I just keep this up for 2-3 more days but...

    OFC someone hits me up to grab him 30 norcos just now.. and I know y’all prolly thinking “just give him the plugs number, what’s the big deal?”

    well the thing is I been charging this dude 5$ extra each pill so everytime I middleman for him I make a quick and easy 150$.. but when I do middleman for I always end up getting myself norcos as well, using the free $150 I made off middlemanning.

    I usually get like 10 for myself but today ima just get two and take them in half’s and this guy hits me up every week like clockwork so I’m hoping by the time he hits me up for more I’ll have already gone through 5+ days of cold turkey/withdrawal and won’t be tempted to pick up extra norcos for myself whenever I middleman for this dude.

    tbh tho fashion section the reason I want to stop using painkillers cause these s***s is burning a hole in my pocket and preventing me from copping jawns and the fashion sect (+ failing upwards pod) has reignited my passion for clothing over the last year.

    my b for the rambling.

    I really be using ktt as a release or whatever to just get s*** off my mind/chest.

    thank god no one actually knows me on here cause it’s the only reason I don’t care about putting all my s*** out there.

  • Feb 20, 2020

    just threw away all my nicotine pouches. haven't smoked weed in 2 weeks because of upcoming annual job d*** test. let's do this

  • Feb 21, 2020
    1 reply

    So what are you writing down exactly?

  • Feb 21, 2020
    1 reply
    Henrik Larsson

    So what are you writing down exactly?

    reflections and thoughts

  • Feb 21, 2020
    1 reply

    reflections and thoughts

    Cool does it help? Writing somehow calmed my anxiety down too before

  • Feb 21, 2020
    Henrik Larsson

    Cool does it help? Writing somehow calmed my anxiety down too before

    Kind of If ur consistent with it then it helps bro

  • Feb 22, 2020

    This OP is addicted to jacking off and is too ashamed to tell us

  • IKARUS2020

    what is it?

    Tell me it’s p***.