God damn these games are good especially 4 Always some new crazy s*** you can do in these games. The fact that bf4 is damn near 8 years old and you can still find plenty of servers
Goated series Sad bf1 is so terrible
They shoulda never abandoned the bad company series
Hope the new one is bad company 3
BF5 was such a disappointing game... wasted 60 on that. Also am I the only one who thought BF5 graphics were worse than BF1?
BF5 was such a disappointing game... wasted 60 on that. Also am I the only one who thought BF5 graphics were worse than BF1?
5 def looks worse then 1 gameplay is way better in 5 tho
5 def looks worse then 1 gameplay is way better in 5 tho
idk man... Bf1 had that amazing war immersion feel. Operations was also much better in 1 compared to 5. Gunplay in 5 is better tho
idk man... Bf1 had that amazing war immersion feel. Operations was also much better in 1 compared to 5. Gunplay in 5 is better tho
The immersion in 1 is great. However im not immersed when im getting constantly bombarded by grenades, planes, snipers and tanks everywhere i move
BF4 was one of those games I dropped a s*** ton of hours in and regret I didn't spend even more time playing it when it was big.
That FPS truly is goated, never played anything like it since and don't think I ever will.
BF1 is the most immersive FPS i've ever played
Whole setting and atmosphere is elite.
BF5 gunplay mechanics is probably the best in the franchise, shame about the trash maps though.
BF4 was great but BF5? Yeah Idk about that fam LMAO. That game was literally Battlefield 1.5 but worse, and I loved Battlefield 1.
BF4 was great but BF5? Yeah Idk about that fam LMAO. That game was literally Battlefield 1.5 but worse, and I loved Battlefield 1.
Nah BF5 is 1 but better 1 has better graphics and that's it
Nah BF5 is 1 but better 1 has better graphics and that's it
bf1 is the best multiplayer game of this gen
bf5 is just a broken expansion and lost the best mode of bf1 (operations)
bf1 is the best multiplayer game of this gen
bf5 is just a broken expansion and lost the best mode of bf1 (operations)
bf3 and 4 and incredible. pls bring back to modern shooters i never wanted this world war s***