Think it got pushed back till 2022 sadly
ea and their investors wont let that happen
ea and their investors wont let that happen
i hope its pushed back so people dont complain about the game
BF4 is a classic. I put in hours on that game. Ended up being the helicopter guy - me and my mate - talking 90 kills 3 deaths
Map design, destruction and intensity of BC2
Mechanics and versatility of gameplay like 3 and 4
With the immersion of 1 and you have the perfect game,
One of the things people tend to forget was how bad company maps were designed around game modes , so not every match was a catch all for every game mode. Wish they would go back to this mechanic.
BF4 setting and freeness
BF1 Graphics and ambience
BF5 Gameplay. = Perfect BF6
hell no bf4 gameplay was perfect bfv way too Arcady
hell no bf4 gameplay was perfect bfv way too Arcady
BF4 gameplay aged a bit, it has that trash ass 3D spotting s***, it's difficult to vault, you can't slide and nobody revives you. I like 5's squad reviving and that medics actually do stuff to help.
literally the reason why battlefield been falling off since bf1 was because dice shied away from the more realistic gameplay from bf4/3 they definitely need to go back to that style and most likey are where aiming actually matters s*** go play cod if you just wanna shoot and run around
literally the reason why battlefield been falling off since bf1 was because dice shied away from the more realistic gameplay from bf4/3 they definitely need to go back to that style and most likey are where aiming actually matters s*** go play cod if you just wanna shoot and run around
"Shied away from more realistic gameplay" 1st gif
They shoulda never abandoned the bad company series
they will never put something out as good as bad company 2
just downloaded 4,5, and 1
4 is soo fun i aint tried out the others but this one is scratching my fps itch
just downloaded 4,5, and 1
4 is soo fun i aint tried out the others but this one is scratching my fps itch
Do people still play 4 online? On ps4?