  • americana 🍷
    Feb 7, 2022

    Its white kids that idolize every rapper

    Street rappers get treated like regular people among their demographic

    Idk abt all that bro kids be rating street artists they fw MAD high

  • doctor

    Its white kids that idolize every rapper

    Street rappers get treated like regular people among their demographic

    The OTF and YB beef showed me that your last sentence is false. It’s no longer white kids, it’s niggas/women in their 20’s+ treating street rappers a way. Niggas really be on the internet acting like they sliding for OTF and 4kt.

  • Feb 7, 2022

    Nah but people expect every album to be classic which isnt realistic tbh. An album can be average or good and still have plenty of great tracks on it

    We just happen to know every single persons opinion on everything now. And negativity gains likes and retweets more than anything positive

  • Feb 7, 2022

    Good thing my upcoming album is going to be something truly special.
    I have the antidote.

    🌊 🌊 🌊
    The Waviness of Wakin Up

  • Feb 7, 2022

    Everyone wants to be the same rapper and there was no more room for that a long long time ago