📠 if we talking pre Kanye
I see no lies here
Absolutely the f*** not, even if you aren't a music theorist this is objectively wrong
Absolutely the f*** not, even if you aren't a music theorist this is objectively wrong
Good luck reasoning with the MAGA boys
Ben's dad is a boomer cause almost every respectable music theorist knows this argument is bullshit
f***ing racism on page one too now. What is happening to the moral institutions of our society. Have we forgotten what Dr King said? I will not stand for any nigga being harmful 2 a white brotha
Good luck reasoning with the MAGA boys
It's so f***ing r*****ed, by Ben's logic a capella doesn't count cause it doesn't meet every one of those "requirements"
f***ing racism on page one too now. What is happening to the moral institutions of our society. Have we forgotten what Dr King said? I will not stand for any nigga being harmful 2 a white brotha
Amen, brother
he went to 'music school' but cant hear harmony, rhythm and melody in rap? smh this gotta be fake
op why do you think any meaningful discussion would come from this on a rap forum. this discussion is so played out
📠 if we talking pre Kanye
I see no lies here
Lauryn hill was singing her own harmonies and melodies while Kanye was in high school taking tests u dumb b****
f***ing racism on page one too now. What is happening to the moral institutions of our society. Have we forgotten what Dr King said? I will not stand for any nigga being harmful 2 a white brotha
facts they make it seem like MLK, Trump and Malcolm X haven’t been preaching this anti racism s***. It’s 2019 why we hating on each other for?
Everyone’s entitled to their opinion.
Even if I fully disagree..
this isn't about opinion we're talking about objective facts. I don't give a s*** Ben Shapiro doesn't like rap, he's absolutely wrong when it comes to calling rap not music