@Holographic you read the last chapter?
on volume 3 of the deluxe edition right now and s*** is so fire
i kinda already know some of the stuff that happens like griffith raping casca the lead up to the point is so intense
seems like stuff is gonna go down real soon though. wonder how casca is gonna react if she sees the moonlight boy
So the weird kid is also back, s\*\*\* going down fr, that place seems too peaceful for berserk standards
Damn I only got like 3 volumes lmaoo its 363 now?
Just starting reading this
Enjoy the journey young donovan
miura passed away @LuJo
wait WHAT????
miura passed away @LuJo
Sucks, idrc if Berserk ended or not but I've read Gigantomahkia, Berserk, and manga by friends of Miura so it sucks to see him go.