  • Jun 24
    1 reply

    Was pumped to see AMOLAD in your top 12. Probably in mine too.

    It’s truly magical.

  • Jun 24

    It’s truly magical.

  • Jul 4

    could not possibly recommend this harder


    @DELON need you to watch this

  • Jul 7

    amazing year especially as a western stan

  • Jul 7
    1 reply

  • Jul 7
    1 reply

    you're crazy with the deserter rank

  • Jul 7

    you're crazy with the deserter rank

    The microdose of lsd i took when I watched that and Prisoners was accidentally a macrodose

    very possible to rewatch won't hit as hard but I'm going with my gut instinct on this one

  • Jul 9
    1 reply

    never met a person who didn't love this film. perfect movie to start the discussion on an excellent year.

  • Jul 22

    never met a person who didn't love this film. perfect movie to start the discussion on an excellent year.

    Watched this first off your mention but still only just like not love it

    Imo only Holiday struck the right balance between relentless yapping and any sort of pathos out of all the famous screwballs of this era.

  • Jul 23
    2 replies

    Hit me with some deep cuts @sace

  • Jul 23
    2 replies

    Hit me with some deep cuts @sace

    first horror movie with an all-black cast

  • Jul 23
    1 reply

    first horror movie with an all-black cast

    I'll check it out

    Your thoughts on Fantasia?

  • Jul 23
    1 reply

    Hit me with some deep cuts @sace

    i was thinking of well-digger's daughter. ill see what i can find

  • Jul 23
    1 reply

    first horror movie with an all-black cast

    its been a while watching that but it was in a s***ty vhs transfer

  • Jul 23

    did watch down argentine way in other day. decent musical even a good use of good neighbor policy diplomacy FDR did.

  • RASIE 🦦
    Jul 23
    1 reply


    1. Foreign Correspondent (Hitchcock)
    2. The Grapes of Wrath (Ford)
    3. The Letter (Wyler)
    4. Christmas in July (Sturges)
    5. His Girl Friday (Hawks)
    6. Strange Cargo (Borzage)
    7. The Long Voyage Home (Ford)
    8. The Shop Around the Corner (Lubitsch)
    9. Rebecca (Hitchcock)
    10. The Westerner (Wyler)
    11. The Great Dictator (Chaplin)
    12. Dance, Girl, Dance (Arzner)
    13. Remember the Night (Leisen)
    14. Phantom Riders (Tourneur)
    15. The Philadelphia Story (Cukor)
    16. The Return of Frank James (Lang)
    17. The Great McGinty (Sturges)
    18. The Thief of Bagdad (Powell & Berger)

  • Jul 23
    1 reply

    its been a while watching that but it was in a s***ty vhs transfer

    might still be the case. I assume it is neglected for dumb political reasons.

  • Jul 23
    1 reply

    might still be the case. I assume it is neglected for dumb political reasons.

    nah it’s either the elements are hard to find or the worst case, lost. it can be somebody’s attic or a storage unit

  • Jul 23
    1 reply

    nah it’s either the elements are hard to find or the worst case, lost. it can be somebody’s attic or a storage unit

    at least part of it is in the library of congress. they could do a better restoration from even the bad surviving elements.

  • Jul 24
    1 reply

    1. Foreign Correspondent (Hitchcock)
    2. The Grapes of Wrath (Ford)
    3. The Letter (Wyler)
    4. Christmas in July (Sturges)
    5. His Girl Friday (Hawks)
    6. Strange Cargo (Borzage)
    7. The Long Voyage Home (Ford)
    8. The Shop Around the Corner (Lubitsch)
    9. Rebecca (Hitchcock)
    10. The Westerner (Wyler)
    11. The Great Dictator (Chaplin)
    12. Dance, Girl, Dance (Arzner)
    13. Remember the Night (Leisen)
    14. Phantom Riders (Tourneur)
    15. The Philadelphia Story (Cukor)
    16. The Return of Frank James (Lang)
    17. The Great McGinty (Sturges)
    18. The Thief of Bagdad (Powell & Berger)

    Yeah FC strong contender

    Need your thoughts on The Deserter from last year as well

  • Jul 24

    at least part of it is in the library of congress. they could do a better restoration from even the bad surviving elements.

    I carry the curse so if I watch the s***ty quality version it's pretty well guaranteed a restoration will get announced within half a year

  • RASIE 🦦
    Jul 24
    1 reply

    Yeah FC strong contender

    Need your thoughts on The Deserter from last year as well

    I just added it to my watchlist last night after reading the last couple pages of this thread

    Will def peep soon and report back

  • Jul 24

    I just added it to my watchlist last night after reading the last couple pages of this thread

    Will def peep soon and report back

    Probably the most instant new personal favorite I've come across since starting this thread

    Other contenders;

    Humanity & Paper Balloons ('37)

    Happiness ('34) @Snowboy check this out

    Land Without Bread ('33)

    Pandora's Box ('29)

  • Jul 28

    John Qualen (the guy always doing a Swedish accent in John Ford films) was from Vancouver

    Apparently his performance in one scene from Grapes of Wrath reduced Ford to tears on set. He was also great in Long Voyage Home this year.

  • Jul 28
    1 reply

    I'll check it out

    Your thoughts on Fantasia?

    Fantasia is goated, am I supposed to feel a sort of way about it