Game Of Thrones character. My friend thinks he's a political manipulator now bro it's weird. He joined a frat and turned into a psychopath. He knows I have love for him but mfer is out there.
Yeah I definitely know a few dudes who fit that same bill
It’s all good though, they’re probably covering up some painful experiences they dealt with growing up, etc. Just feel bad for the people who they’ll terrorize and take advantage of in the future :(
I keep a list of notes whenever I learn a lesson. Here's mine
1...2...3...bring the world to it's knees.
Ya talk too much. shut the f*** up dude
If you're in your head, you're dead.
Talk to yourself the way you talk to others, with respect.
My destination is no longer a place, but a mindset change.
The world doesn't happen to you. You happen to the world.
DO NOT justify your attention craving by adopting a sufferer's mindset. Do not.
Don't be a person who is a victim to your environment. SHAPE your environment.
It's my life. I don't have to think or feel anything I don't want to.
If you spend your entire life chasing someone else's dreams you will never succeed, even if you do.
The meaning of life is to give life meaning.
Nothing happens for a reason. Happenings happen and we give them a meaning.
always be yourself as it attracts people that are attracted to yourself
I don't know everything I want out of life, but i do know what I don't want.
your thoughts are merely just thoughts. You can watch an idea come in and watch it go. A thought doesn't define who you are, your actions do. Thoughts are random, and have nothing to do with you!
human connection is the single most important thing in life.
f.e.a.r. just stands for f*** everything and run
Don't take too much advice
having one step in future and one step in the past, pisses all over the present.
It is not my business what people think of me.
When you dig yourself up out of depression with no help, a lot of s*** does not phase you it becomes difficult for people to get close to you because you never want anyone to have enough power to contribute to bringing you back to that place again.
-Fredo in the cut
Don't be ashamed of your ego, everyone has one. Balance it with humour, and laugh at yourself.
being sober is like stepping out of the matrix. You have nothing to lean back on but yourself.
Don't text that b**** when ur drunk
Know when to turn your brain off
I grabbed like 3 things from here and wrote them down. Thank you.
Anybody trying to teach u anything is trying to control you. Learn every lesson for urself and take advice from nobody.
And learn how to do ur taxes so u pay the least possible at an early an age as possible. No matter how u earn paying less tax is free money every year.
that school doesn't teach you s***, you need to learn that s*** yourself
Crazy I had to find out what learning actually means out of school. All that money bruh...
Don't compare yourself to others.
It is insulting to your spirit if you keep looking at what others are doing instead of focusing your energy on your own s***.
That's mine, what are yours?
Needed this
Crazy I had to find out what learning actually means out of school. All that money bruh...
I was thinking about how highschool and the s*** before is just a way for parents to drop off the kids when they work and the kids are too old for day care.
I was thinking about how highschool and the s*** before is just a way for parents to drop off the kids when they work and the kids are too old for day care.
It's so systematic and very few parents actually take the time to care enough about whether a school environment is really the best way for their kid to learn.
We're basically f***ed after the age of 4.
Never judge a book by its cover. A lot if people are high key broke but look like money.
In high school I thought people with luxuries and designer clothes were making bank but once I got in college I realized most people riding and lookin like that are in debt up to their hairline
How easy it is to bullshit statistics and social surveys
There is so much misinformation that gets repeated from blatantly flawed sources
I felt more lonely and miserable around the friends that I had who said and did horrible things to me "as a joke" than I've ever felt by just being by myself
Damn bro. Sorry for that, nobody should experience that kind of stuff. 100% better to be “lonely”. Actually I think “by yourself” is a better expression in this case.
Never judge a book by its cover. A lot if people are high key broke but look like money.
In high school I thought people with luxuries and designer clothes were making bank but once I got in college I realized most people riding and lookin like that are in debt up to their hairline
this too
Also learned how big of a problem depreciating assets can become (such as cars). It's easy to get a loan for a $28k car that will never be worth that much, and get shafted by the interest rate + depreciation.
that school doesn't teach you s***, you need to learn that s*** yourself
Fully depends upon teachers and individual drive imo
I took a couple honors/AP classes in high school and I feel like I got so much more out of them than the standard classes. Standard classes were full of "fill out this packet" busywork, the advanced classes actually required me to think about what I was learning.
Unfortunately I was more interested in sleeping through class.
People in general aren’t as cutthroat, ruthless in the “real world” as you’re made to believe in school. It’s ok to trust people.
Working in a restaurant builds a lot of character if you do it for more than a year and a half. It’s pretty draining.
how to parallel park