  • Jul 10, 2024

    Was written by me!

    A poem written every day for a year. 365 of them.

    Written in Europe, South America, and on the best coast.

    Dealing with everything. Love, addiction, traveling, and hangovers.

    2 months writing were spent in Colombia, so there’s definitely cocaine poetry, and there is also a bunch of California Poetry.

    There is also over 200 illustrations done by myself and 5 other artist

    Get it now!

    If I’m a fire
    You’re the heat
    If I’m a song
    You’re the beat
    If I’m dessert
    You’re the sweet
    And if I get lost
    You’re the street
    That gets me back
    To where I want to be
    I could live 100 lives
    And without you

    Taco Bell
    Taco Shmell
    Oh how I love
    Some Taco Bell

    Bean burritos
    And cinnamon twists
    A side of nacho cheese
    Is immediate bliss

    When my mind’s in an altered state
    I crave the place that’s open late

    Start that engine and make it hum
    Craving that 4th meal, here I come

    And the whole mission might be a loss
    If they forget the fire sauce ———————-

    It’s just me
    In a 3ft x 3ft bathroom
    With more mosquitos than I can count
    And I’m pushing and pushing but it’s not coming out

    It’s hot
    It’s humid
    And I’m sweating up a storm
    I’m Kung Fu fighting as these b****es start to swarm

    I’m overheated
    I’m overwhelmed
    And tired of fighting these skeeters
    So I let them have the body as I cover my peter———————-

    Did I piss in the Holy Grail?
    Did my tee shot beach a whale?
    Did I put anthrax in people’s mail?
    Did I take down signs written in brail?
    Did I go to the pet store and step on the snails?
    Did I redirect signs on a wilderness trail?

    Now this cowboy
    Is spending the night in jail
    Cause I called my horse
    And he brought the wrong bail————————

    Man what was I thinking
    What was I drinking?
    Where was I going?
    What was I smoking?
    And fiending
    1 track mind
    Had this hunter seeking
    Not rational
    Lost capitol
    Sealed the deal
    And that was all.
    Exit quickly
    Back to reality
    Ray Charles to Big Brother
    That’s the a***ogy
    Now I can feel the sun
    And smell the roses
    Experiencing the thing
    That every man knows is
    Post nut clarity ——————————-

    The lord giveth
    The lord taketh
    Deciding the journey
    That we maketh

    And not ready to walk
    The path that’s sacred

    So can you please Lord
    First detour me to a bed
    With Ana de Armas naked—————————

    Eleven thirty
    Wednesday night
    Small dark club
    Brother man on stage
    Weak spotlight
    Only thing visible
    The brass of his sax

    There’s no backing band
    No timing
    Just pure emotion pouring out
    Emotion of a love letter
    Written decades ago

    The way he holds the notes
    Molds them
    Caresses them
    And slowly confesses them
    Cursive words cut slowly
    Through the smoke filled air

    I read them
    And shed a tear
    I take a sip of whiskey
    And read some more
    That’s when I realize
    He was too late
    He never delivered this letter
    Confessing his love
    Telling her not to go
    It was still in his pocket
    And has been
    Since April 1912————————-

    Warm Night on Isabela
    The sun has set
    And my Swiss girls have left for dinner
    I have now commandeered the coveted porch swing
    That sits right outside this two-story beachfront bar
    Bob Marley is in heavy rotation and mixes perfectly
    With the sounds of the warm Pacific

    Swinging back and forth
    I sip on a cold pint
    Of Ecuador’s finest cerveza
    And ponder many great thoughts
    Like is the guy in the fedora going to smash tonight?
    And can I throw a pigskin into the tide from where I’m sitting?

    Still swinging
    I gaze at the stars then back down at the ocean
    And I realize why Darwin liked it here————————-

    Torn between two lives
    But which one do I live
    Each wants my soul
    But to whom do I give

    One is simple
    Done a billion times before
    And the other needs
    A John Williams movie score

    One has a blueprint, marriage
    And ends in a memorial
    The other, I’m not sure
    There’s no YouTube tutorial

    One has bundles of love
    And life’s greatest joy
    The other has loneliness
    And some middle-aged toys

    But it also has adventures
    Like seeing the pyramids
    While drinking on the Nile
    And climbing volcanoes
    On some tropic aisles
    Or running with the bulls
    And French kissing on the Riviera
    Then doing some James Bond s***
    While skiing in the Sierras
    Or hiking Mt. Kilimanjaro
    Then partying with Brazilians
    Until tomorrows tomorrow

    Which one do I choose?
    This is The Everyman’s Blues———————

    Where’s my inspiration?
    Is it inside?
    Is it out there?
    Is it hiding in my underwear?

    Is it in the street?
    With the people I meet?
    Or is it tucked somewhere
    In a cushion seat?

    Is it in my blessings?
    Is it in my problems?
    Does it come from hanging
    With the King of the Goblins?

    Is it in the clouds?
    Is it in my pain?
    Does it come from my thoughts
    While hiding from rain?

    Is it in my travels?
    Is it in my dreams?
    Does it come to me
    (Stephen A. voice)
    While smoking that weed?

    Is it in my nose?
    Or under some clothes?
    Does it lie with the girls
    To whom I’ve given a rose?

    Is it with the trash I’ve tossed?
    Or with my morals when sauced?
    If that’s the case
    It might be lost————————-

    One to tell your grandkids

    It was the night
    It was the hype
    It was the magic in the air
    With all of the lights

    It was the anticipation
    And mutually agreed times
    It was the opening trailers
    And waiting in line

    It’s was the butter and salt
    Followed by soda pop
    Repeated and repeated
    Until you get lost

    In the big screen
    And loudspeakers
    It was when midnight releases
    Had you fighting sleep in theaters

    It’s was the communal laughing
    And shrieking when graphic
    It was the first viewing
    Before it’s an all time classic

    It was back in the day
    When dopamine was detoxed
    And you walked out smiling
    Just collecting your thoughts

    It was pure (fucking) Kino————————

    Was sweltering hot on this fine equator day
    So I parked my keister right in the shade
    And the cheapest bar is always the way
    Especially when, you can see the waves
    And I was minding my business, but couldn’t help to blurt
    Cause it’s not everyday, someone rocks a Gorillaz shirt
    So I joined his table, and said me nombre es Jake
    And he told me how his girl, made his little heart break
    To Heartbreak! We cheers and swigged them down
    I practiced my Spanish, him his English
    Then ordered another round
    Which turned to 2, and 3 turned to 4
    And suddenly we took over the auxiliary chord
    It went from way too hot to heaven sent
    We had a nice ocean breeze while bumping 50 cent
    Then 5 beers turned to seis and homie said
    “Lets get out of this place”
    So we hopped in a cab and headed for the highlands
    To a place you cant find on Google, a secret of the island ——————-

    A poem a day for a year is what I’ve collected
    And to the best of my ability I’ve edited and perfected
    Now that it’s turning out better than expected
    I got to keep this manuscript safe and protected

    Still unfinished so there’s only one copy
    And if anybody wants it, it’s over my dead body
    I’ll go the distance with anyone just like Rocky
    If I don’t knock them the puck out like some hockey

    No way will my work fall into the hands of a coward
    I’ve travelled too many miles, spent too many hours
    Planted too many seeds and danced for too many showers
    For my little poetic words to not blossom into flowers——————

    Stuck in a trap
    That’s where our cell is
    Looking outside
    Wondering where help is
    But we don’t see
    How deep our well is
    It goes from Heaven
    To down where Hell is
    We got each other
    We kings, we Elvis
    Using your community
    That’s where wealth is
    But people be greedy
    Thinking with their pelvis
    Hoarding their talent
    Acting monetarily selfish
    Just help me get mine
    And we’ll all eat shellfish
    But deny me again
    See what color the belt is ———————-

    Sonnet #1
    Such is life, that ones journey gets cut short
    Even though they dreamt a destination
    Cause Lady Luck’s scissors will always thwart
    Without mercy or her hesitation

    For it’s only one voyage that has failed
    And in the moment your greatest defeat
    But unknown the times you have prevailed
    With victories only she can decree

    Even preparation won’t block the call
    Whether she whispers it or announces
    Ha, cover all bases and try to stall
    But there’s no telling how her ball bounces

    So sail in the wind and forget your plans
    Cause we’re mere dirt just falling from her hands————————

    White ones
    Black ones
    Reds and blues
    Oh how I love me
    A good pair shoes
    Boots, sandals
    Classics and chucks
    Throughout the years
    I’ve spent them bucks
    And some will say
    I got a nice array
    But you should’ve seen
    What I’ve thrown away
    Yeah I’ll admit
    I do got some problems
    But fortunately for me
    I know how to solve them
    And once I get a new pair
    Another’s on my mind
    So I go ahead and buy them
    Or they’ll waste all my time
    Just looking at pictures
    And watching reviews
    Shout out to my boy JA
    Ill probably gave him
    Half his views
    Now the summers here
    And if you didn’t know
    That’s a special occasion
    So I shop for a new pair
    Without hesitation
    And last time I checked
    A pair is two
    So I think I’ll take these Vans
    In both black and blue————————-

  • Jul 10, 2024
    1 reply

    These are pretty f***ing cool
    Love the humor and the simplicity

    My book will be better, of course, but I should absolutely cop this

  • Jul 10, 2024
    1 reply

    These are pretty f***ing cool
    Love the humor and the simplicity

    My book will be better, of course, but I should absolutely cop this

    You should cop! You buy mine, I’ll buy yours.
    Publishing through Amazon?

  • Jul 10, 2024

    You should cop! You buy mine, I’ll buy yours.
    Publishing through Amazon?

    Yes! Seems to be the way to go. Called Squelchy, you would love it.

    I wish it was easier for me to tell where some of these poems ended haha. But I just bought it, so I’ll be able to see them the way they were intended soon enough. Full review upon completion.

  • Jul 10, 2024
    1 reply

    Also, finding a good poet is like finding water in a desert, so thank you. If you spend any amount of time going to open mics you’ll quickly get burnt out by the virtue signaling and fakeness. I want nothing to do with that. Easy takes are not brave, and victimhood is not enough for good art. A “joke poem” can hold more honesty than that. Any topic can be made beautiful.

  • Jul 10, 2024
    1 reply

    Also, finding a good poet is like finding water in a desert, so thank you. If you spend any amount of time going to open mics you’ll quickly get burnt out by the virtue signaling and fakeness. I want nothing to do with that. Easy takes are not brave, and victimhood is not enough for good art. A “joke poem” can hold more honesty than that. Any topic can be made beautiful.

    Hahah. I feel the exact same way about open mics. What you say about about victim hood is so true. You the man ! Give me more details on squelchy !? Were you from?

  • Jul 10, 2024
    1 reply

    Hahah. I feel the exact same way about open mics. What you say about about victim hood is so true. You the man ! Give me more details on squelchy !? Were you from?

    To be clear, I’m not tryna be anti-woke or whatever. I think you see the nuance in my statements.

    SoCal doggie. Squelchy is short poems. A lot about the disconnection of modern life. A lot of absurdist stuff.

    Here’s a taste:

    The Soggy Bread Bowl

    Swim into the soggy bread bowl
    Let it sponge your forehead
    No dandruff in the sourdough, though
    Only tears
    Sopped up and strangled
    Sudsy and strange
    I never finish bread bowls
    So much,
    For the Body of Christ

    Half My Body

    Half my body hangs from the roof of your apartment
    Sorry about that
    I knew I would sink but my other half told me the second floor would be alright
    We got it on sale
    Now my legs kick, like infant, over your chores at night
    And I s*** right on your table
    From torso to legs
    Like water spot or potted ceiling plant, I hang
    And dangle
    My shoes fall off some days and you graciously place them back on my feet
    Thank you for doing that
    You could have broken me

  • Jul 10, 2024
    1 reply

    To be clear, I’m not tryna be anti-woke or whatever. I think you see the nuance in my statements.

    SoCal doggie. Squelchy is short poems. A lot about the disconnection of modern life. A lot of absurdist stuff.

    Here’s a taste:

    The Soggy Bread Bowl

    Swim into the soggy bread bowl
    Let it sponge your forehead
    No dandruff in the sourdough, though
    Only tears
    Sopped up and strangled
    Sudsy and strange
    I never finish bread bowls
    So much,
    For the Body of Christ

    Half My Body

    Half my body hangs from the roof of your apartment
    Sorry about that
    I knew I would sink but my other half told me the second floor would be alright
    We got it on sale
    Now my legs kick, like infant, over your chores at night
    And I s*** right on your table
    From torso to legs
    Like water spot or potted ceiling plant, I hang
    And dangle
    My shoes fall off some days and you graciously place them back on my feet
    Thank you for doing that
    You could have broken me

    Nice. CenCal doggie here. I like the half my body. When will it come out?


  • Jul 10, 2024

    Nice. CenCal doggie here. I like the half my body. When will it come out?


    I don’t know bruh, you just put the battery back in my back haha. Gotta finalize a date.

    Only one illustration besides the cover. Excited to see the images you and your collaborators came up with. I just like the pacing of your poems. Definitely see the Bukowski influence.

  • Jul 10, 2024

    Sick. My only comment is, what ever deadline date you come up with, you’ll miss it by fine tuning and perfecting over and over again. Got an authors proof already? I had ten before I hit publish.

  • Jul 13, 2024
    1 reply


    Holy f***ing s***. Just got it in the mail. This is better than I thought it was gonna be. Sucks that I’m the only one on this site who’s seeing it. I might have to concede that this is better than mine, but we’ll see. This is masterfully conceived. U on Instagram?

  • Jul 13, 2024
    1 reply

    I'm not into the gimmick, we've seen, a-poem-a-day, to many times before but imma check it out!

  • Jul 13, 2024
    1 reply


    Holy f***ing s***. Just got it in the mail. This is better than I thought it was gonna be. Sucks that I’m the only one on this site who’s seeing it. I might have to concede that this is better than mine, but we’ll see. This is masterfully conceived. U on Instagram?

    I’m working on the Instagram. Thanks a lot man. Lots of stuff in there to get me cancelled. But if you never get cancelled, did you ever risk it for the brisket?

  • Jul 13, 2024

    I'm not into the gimmick, we've seen, a-poem-a-day, to many times before but imma check it out!

    Thanks. It was written 365 consecutive days!

  • Jul 13, 2024
    1 reply

    I’m working on the Instagram. Thanks a lot man. Lots of stuff in there to get me cancelled. But if you never get cancelled, did you ever risk it for the brisket?

    I was going through mine the other day and deleting s*** that was a little too unhinged, but maybe I was being a p**** haha

    My first critique is the title. Why lean on your influences instead of forging your own path? 🤔

  • Jul 13, 2024

    I was going through mine the other day and deleting s*** that was a little too unhinged, but maybe I was being a p**** haha

    My first critique is the title. Why lean on your influences instead of forging your own path? 🤔

    The paradigm has shifted! Throw the unhinged s*** in there. The people need it. We tired of political correctness. I saw some YouTube video where they said you need buzz words in the title.

  • Jul 13, 2024
    1 reply

  • Aug 2, 2024

    thats hate

  • Aug 2, 2024
    1 reply

    This is cool @op. Glad to see you doing this. Imma peep

  • Aug 2, 2024
    1 reply

    This is cool @op. Glad to see you doing this. Imma peep

    The book looks insanely impressive, presentation-wise too. He should include some pic of the illustrations and cover, he’s not doing it justice.

  • Aug 13, 2024

    The book looks insanely impressive, presentation-wise too. He should include some pic of the illustrations and cover, he’s not doing it justice.

  • Aug 13, 2024

  • Aug 13, 2024

  • Aug 13, 2024
    1 reply

    Arabic poetry is crack

  • Aug 14, 2024
    1 reply
    Dark Zack

    Arabic poetry is crack

    What’s Arabic poetry?