This website is really stuck in 2016
all 3 artist listed are better than an artist you wrap your entire existence around
be quiet
all 3 artist listed are better than an artist you wrap your entire existence around
be quiet
That doesn’t make them realistic options for a guest performance in 2016
Daft Punk is broken up, Frank Ocean has done 1 performance this decade, and you know damn well they’re not letting Kanye come on stage
You’re gonna just be setting yourself up for disappointment expecting them
He don’t have CTE he just got a lil autism from his car accident
he 100% has CTE
That doesn’t make them realistic options for a guest performance in 2016
Daft Punk is broken up, Frank Ocean has done 1 performance this decade, and you know damn well they’re not letting Kanye come on stage
You’re gonna just be setting yourself up for disappointment expecting them
Nigga I dont post on here for realism. I said they were 3 artist I wanted to see live not 3 artiist that would juck and jive for the super bowl
That doesn’t make them realistic options for a guest performance in 2016
Daft Punk is broken up, Frank Ocean has done 1 performance this decade, and you know damn well they’re not letting Kanye come on stage
You’re gonna just be setting yourself up for disappointment expecting them
As a former Frank Stan he has nowhere near the hits...
He has music you listen to alone with your headphones on. He's not singing Pilot Jones in front a packed stadium...what are you guys thinking.
Genuinely what would he perform?
i am saying I miss when they were considered the top of the performing craft I dont care what coon in all white plays for the craquers at the NFL
werent you watching the party die?
She knew better and did me a favor.
Thank you, Ms. Cyrus, you cokehead.
As a former Frank Stan he has nowhere near the hits...
He has music you listen to alone with your headphones on. He's not singing Pilot Jones in front a packed stadium...what are you guys thinking.
Genuinely what would he perform?
by the way deserved
Nigga I dont post on here for realism. I said they were 3 artist I wanted to see live not 3 artiist that would juck and jive for the super bowl
Bro shut the f*** up!
Like on god shut the f*** up dont say another f***ing thing shut the f*** up i will f***ing ruin both of our lives if you say one more f***ing thing shut the f*** up you f***ing slimy weasel say one more f***ing thing i swear to god stfu stfu stfu nigga stfu
Bro shut the f*** up!
Like on god shut the f*** up dont say another f***ing thing shut the f*** up i will f***ing ruin both of our lives if you say one more f***ing thing shut the f*** up you f***ing slimy weasel say one more f***ing thing i swear to god stfu stfu stfu nigga stfu