  • cute lil story

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    10 replies

    But his ex drowned in a lake after he put the song out..

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    Thank god he chose E 40 instead

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    1 reply

    Thank god he chose E 40 instead

    I wonder if it's true in the first place.

    I hope the f*** not.

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    Pazuzu Artist

    I wonder if it's true in the first place.

    I hope the f*** not.

    There’s literally no reason to lie about it lol

  • Yeezydawg

    There’s literally no reason to lie about it lol

    Who knows.

    The tour is coming!

  • LaFlare

    But his ex drowned in a lake after he put the song out..

    wher he talk about his ex here?

  • you namedropped so many people bro doing SEO on ktt2

  • Thank God beyonce doesn't have final decision making power

  • idfw nicki like that but she couldve slid on that beat if she brought her A game during that time period

  • Is there something Beyonce values higher than PR? F***ing hell

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    6 replies

    Shouldve been solo Big Sean. E40 ruined it and song a bit long.

  • LaFlare

    But his ex drowned in a lake after he put the song out..

    That woman died 5 years after that song was released. Where is the correlation ya slack jawed f***wit

  • LaFlare

    But his ex drowned in a lake after he put the song out..

    It wasn't about Naya

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    1 reply

    But his ex drowned in a lake after he put the song out..

    Yall really love spreading misinformation lol

  • mfp93

    Yall really love spreading misinformation lol

  • Glad to know that even Beyoncé and Jay-Z are susceptible to having gender war debates I guess(?)

  • Nicki was on fire back then make sense

  • Zack From The Six

    Is there something Beyonce values higher than PR? F***ing hell

    It’s not even PR she didn’t even make this 10 year old info public

  • LaFlare

    But his ex drowned in a lake after he put the song out..

    has nothing to do with Big Sean wtf bruh

  • DicherdownDAVE9

    It’s not even PR she didn’t even make this 10 year old info public

    Her reasoning was that people would be offended by his words towards women so her advice was to get Nicki on it so people wouldn't react that way. PR mentality

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    1 reply

    Shouldve been solo Big Sean. E40 ruined it and song a bit long.

    Horrendous take

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    Zack From The Six

    Her reasoning was that people would be offended by his words towards women so her advice was to get Nicki on it so people wouldn't react that way. PR mentality

    • runs a billion dollar business and speaks to million dollar business owners about how to properly handle

    PR mentality - Zack from Nuremberg

  • GKMC

    Shouldve been solo Big Sean. E40 ruined it and song a bit long.

    ngl reading that tweet i completely forgot e40 was on there