  • Feb 23, 2023

    I don’t think the US should be concerned with taking in more people when we can’t even take care of our own. All these other things that dems want to fight for mean nothing without secure borders.

    We have the resources to do all of these things. The U.S has relied on immigration and brain drain for its own development since it was a colony. There's no excuse for not being able to handle American issues and still take part in relief efforts. We had a President in office for 4 years on "America First, border security and less immigrants" and here we still are lol

    It never has to be one or the other concerning this issue

  • Gojira 🦖
    Feb 23, 2023
    2 replies

    How about I use covid instead?

    The authoritarian left tried to force people out of their jobs, off of social media platforms, and shame them for not getting a vaccine we now know is not effective. Discussion was silenced and censored, people were banned, and many were either forced to get it to keep their jobs or lose them. The EU and political left here tried to limit travel, rights, etc. based on all of this. For nothing.

    And I’m sorry the media has fooled you into thinking spaceship man bad

    He’s trying to do more for humanity than almost anyone else alive.

    the vaccine wasnt to prevent the virus, its to lessen the effects of it should you catch it

    you get flu shots, you still get a flu.

  • Feb 23, 2023
    2 replies

    the vaccine wasnt to prevent the virus, its to lessen the effects of it should you catch it

    you get flu shots, you still get a flu.

    And it was right to do all of those things in the name of "lessening effects"?

    Now we know that they do not stop spread, and natural immunity has been confirmed to be as effective as vaccines. Would love to hear anyone's take on why the choices made during the pandemic were the right ones.

    It's one thing to push for lockdowns or promote vaccines, it's another to try and control an entire population through censorship, coercion and threat to livelihood for not complying. And it was only one side cheering it on.

  • Feb 23, 2023
    1 reply

    the vaccine wasnt to prevent the virus, its to lessen the effects of it should you catch it

    you get flu shots, you still get a flu.

    to be fair the messaging about the vaccine from the govt was very irresponsible and rushed. the CDC did an absolutely abysmal job of conveying the point of the vaccine and in their messaging about public safety. i don't believe this is a conspiracy or anything for the record; i think it's just a result of incompetency and the divisive political background on the topic. looking back at the evolution of COVID messaging 2019-2021 is legit surreal because of how terribly every american institution handled it, capped off by how terrible the vaccine rollout was messaging-wise.

  • Gojira 🦖
    Feb 23, 2023
    1 reply

    And it was right to do all of those things in the name of "lessening effects"?

    Now we know that they do not stop spread, and natural immunity has been confirmed to be as effective as vaccines. Would love to hear anyone's take on why the choices made during the pandemic were the right ones.

    It's one thing to push for lockdowns or promote vaccines, it's another to try and control an entire population through censorship, coercion and threat to livelihood for not complying. And it was only one side cheering it on.

    do you know what a vaccine is?

    a weaker strain of the virus, meant for your cells to learn how to fight against it. an 80 year old immunocompromised man would have a lesser chance of dying from covid should he have the vaccine, than not. it doesnt mean he wont die entirely or not ever catch it, it just helps lessen the chance of death.

    why did trump get vaccinated?

    i swear we are all f***ed if something deadlier than covid hits.

  • Gojira 🦖
    Feb 23, 2023
    1 reply
    krishna bound

    to be fair the messaging about the vaccine from the govt was very irresponsible and rushed. the CDC did an absolutely abysmal job of conveying the point of the vaccine and in their messaging about public safety. i don't believe this is a conspiracy or anything for the record; i think it's just a result of incompetency and the divisive political background on the topic. looking back at the evolution of COVID messaging 2019-2021 is legit surreal because of how terribly every american institution handled it, capped off by how terrible the vaccine rollout was messaging-wise.

    im canadian, we handled it just fine. americans are just uneducated in masses in comparison to us.

  • Feb 23, 2023
    1 reply

    do you know what a vaccine is?

    a weaker strain of the virus, meant for your cells to learn how to fight against it. an 80 year old immunocompromised man would have a lesser chance of dying from covid should he have the vaccine, than not. it doesnt mean he wont die entirely or not ever catch it, it just helps lessen the chance of death.

    why did trump get vaccinated?

    i swear we are all f***ed if something deadlier than covid hits.

    What are you talking about?

    First these were mRNA, not what you're describing. Second, of course it's smart for older people to get vaccinated or anyone who wants to!

    What I am saying was absolutely wrong and actually evil was to try and force an entire population into complying with a vaccine mandate.

    The argument for it was that it stopped the spread, and would stop us from spreading it to others who are at risk. That wasn't the case, and even if it were, is still a personal choice to be made.

  • Feb 23, 2023
    1 reply

    im canadian, we handled it just fine. americans are just uneducated in masses in comparison to us.

    this is a thread about american politics

    it's not just about education. the CDC rushed their messaging to the public and ended up having to change it like 8 times in a short period of time, which was free political bait for people who wanted to liken it to a conspiracy. the real time evolution of the handling of the topic instead of a reasonable measured response was just a critical institutional failure

  • Gojira 🦖
    Feb 23, 2023
    1 reply
    krishna bound

    this is a thread about american politics

    it's not just about education. the CDC rushed their messaging to the public and ended up having to change it like 8 times in a short period of time, which was free political bait for people who wanted to liken it to a conspiracy. the real time evolution of the handling of the topic instead of a reasonable measured response was just a critical institutional failure

    blame big pharma

  • Gojira 🦖
    Feb 23, 2023
    1 reply

    What are you talking about?

    First these were mRNA, not what you're describing. Second, of course it's smart for older people to get vaccinated or anyone who wants to!

    What I am saying was absolutely wrong and actually evil was to try and force an entire population into complying with a vaccine mandate.

    The argument for it was that it stopped the spread, and would stop us from spreading it to others who are at risk. That wasn't the case, and even if it were, is still a personal choice to be made.

    it’s in the best interest of those who make money off you to keep you alive

  • Feb 23, 2023

    blame big pharma

    big pharma's failures are separate, govt institutions still had a responsibility for the public safety aspect they failed on. it intersects with big pharma's failures but all in all the only reason half those failures could even exist was ultimately due to the govt's incompetence anyway

  • Feb 23, 2023

    it’s in the best interest of those who make money off you to keep you alive

    Who's arguing that?

    I'm talking about the censorship and authoritarian collaboration between the democrats and big tech/every business and entity world wide. They forced people out of jobs for not getting a vaccine, and we were told it was because it would stop the spread of covid. You can gaslight or be gaslit and say that isn't true, and explain to me what a vaccine is but they are all on record saying it would stop the spread. That is why they separated vaccinated and unvaccinated, and some could not go to work or restaurants or movie theaters. There is a reason that has all gone away and we pretend like it didn't happen.

    It's because they were wrong about everything.

  • Feb 23, 2023

  • Feb 23, 2023
    1 reply

    Would still love for anyone to try and argue that the covid response, censorship and mandates turned out to be the correct decision. There's a reason why it's not talked about anymore.

  • Feb 23, 2023
    1 reply

    And it was right to do all of those things in the name of "lessening effects"?

    Now we know that they do not stop spread, and natural immunity has been confirmed to be as effective as vaccines. Would love to hear anyone's take on why the choices made during the pandemic were the right ones.

    It's one thing to push for lockdowns or promote vaccines, it's another to try and control an entire population through censorship, coercion and threat to livelihood for not complying. And it was only one side cheering it on.

    Are you a scientist?

  • CBXX

    Would still love for anyone to try and argue that the covid response, censorship and mandates turned out to be the correct decision. There's a reason why it's not talked about anymore.

    You know this is not the thread for this right? It's a separate topic from the OP lol

  • Feb 23, 2023
    krishna bound

    Have to assume it’s a tug of war game with the Biden administration not wanting to be one upped by Rs and Vice-versa. I don’t buy into the narrative Biden’s admin was ignoring it as much as they simply didn’t do a good job handling it; once other politicians get involved it becomes a tug of war for publicity. In terms of visiting there, it’s very smart on Trump’s end though

    Very dumb for Biden not to get the easy Optics win here. I heard republicans are starting to pull back from other candidates because of this move by Trump

    Maybe a tactical play to have him be the nominee by Dems? Jk

  • Feb 23, 2023

    Who let Illangelos alt on here @BGFX

  • Feb 23, 2023

    Are you a scientist?

    What does being a scientist have to do with anything that I said?

    If you're asking if I consider myself intelligent enough to a***yze risk/reward, weigh the good & the bad, spot hypocritical statements and claims, grasp the impact of decisions made by people in power, understand how censorship and silencing of dissenting views is a bad idea, the ability to recognize that people should not be forced or coerced into taking a vaccine for themselves or their family with risk of losing their job or access to basic public amenities, then yeah I think so.

    If you think in terms of "I'm not an expert so I shouldn't form my own thoughts and opinions", you're probably not very bright.

    Blind trust in anyone or anything is not good, if you don't think you're competent enough to think for yourself you probably shouldn't be discussing this.

  • Feb 23, 2023
    1 reply

    I 100% agree with you about the Christian / religious right, it’s fine to have those values but to dictate them through policy etc. is wrong and scary. I think they absolutely deserve to lose elections based on the roe / pro life s***.

    I think democrats are worse in different ways, as their tactics are frequently hidden or more calculated. I don’t really agree with you on that though. Biden actively wants to ban weapons, the left champions their censorship authority, and supports silencing those they disagree with. Journalists and media are largely in lockstep with them, and we rarely see any real criticism or push back against their authoritarian tactics.

    Look no further than the demonization of Elon and his plans with Twitter. All he wanted to do was create a platform free of government and political control, where all voices can be heard. He was promptly demonized, and there were coordinated efforts by politicians, businesses, and people to try and kill twitter or bleed him dry. For believing that a president shouldn’t be wiped off the internet and people of opposing views should be allowed to talk on the same platform. This stuff is still going on with other platforms and it has only gotten worse.

    I see it as a far worse and more pressing issue than ignorant Christian’s trying to push their views on people.

    Arguably one of the most intelligent/innovative and forward thinking people in the world thinks it’s more pressing than anything he has worked his entire life on.

    the level of elon d*** eating youve gotta be at to think him and his lil twitter bullshit is more important than christian fascism in america is off the charts

  • Feb 23, 2023

    that was truly some olympic level d*** eating

  • Feb 23, 2023
    3 replies

    the level of elon d*** eating youve gotta be at to think him and his lil twitter bullshit is more important than christian fascism in america is off the charts

    I'm sorry you don't grasp the severity of things lmao.

    Elon has spent his life revolutionizing the electric car industry, trying to better the environment, bringing internet capabilities to every stretch of the world via starlink, and trying to get humanity to a new planet to make sure humanity continues if earth fails.

    All of this, and to him the most pressing issue is wokeness. Do you think he's just trolling? Censorship and authoritarianism are dangerous and the most pressing issue given those are the tactics of the woke left.

  • Feb 23, 2023
    2 replies

    woulda thought i was on p***hub the way this man throating d*** itt

  • Feb 23, 2023

    Low IQ individuals been duped into thinking Elon is some random guy who inherited money from his racist dad and just stole every company he's ever been a part of.
