People like this do a disservice to the public. They just say extreme hot takes to rev up whatever base they are trying to appease. And whats sad is that republicans/trumpers are going to go around spouting this nonsense
That sounds scary tbh, if trump was too dumb to be a dictator yet tried, and biden is pumping out exec orders, which are basically demands, way faster than him, then whos to say biden isnt just a smarter version of trump? Because he says he isnt? Because he got that D in front of his name?
Hitler, Mussolini, Kim Jong, they all were loved by their country. Some can argue Trump was too hated from the beginning by too many people to ever be a dictator, but Biden is becoming more and more beloved by the day
Mussolini was dragged into the streets
FDR had literal internment camps for Japanese Americans, stop pretending the nigga is untouchable
Ig nuance isn't a thing with you
Biden gonna make nothing better. He will continue the tradition of US presidents acting as chief terrorist across the globe.
At least Trump was somewhat transparent and his antics were leading the US corrupt system toward destruction.
Happy for americans that trump is gone. Another 4 years of that and who knows what the civil unrest would have been like. Biden adminstration will make things appear 'stable' like good ol days again and americans can continue to be blissfully ignorant to the fact that for their contry to be what it is there needs to be death and destruction in places USA expolits for resources.
Imagine we are still dealing with the fact Trump had people killed at the Capitol & government officials put in severe danger but instead you want to make articles about Biden acting like a dictator
OP a special kinda dumb
op did quite the 180 on the title
That was probably S or a mod because someone also added a βmisleadingβ tag to the stimulus backtracking thread
Biden gonna make nothing better. He will continue the tradition of US presidents acting as chief terrorist across the globe.
At least Trump was somewhat transparent and his antics were leading the US corrupt system toward destruction.
Happy for americans that trump is gone. Another 4 years of that and who knows what the civil unrest would have been like. Biden adminstration will make things appear 'stable' like good ol days again and americans can continue to be blissfully ignorant to the fact that for their contry to be what it is there needs to be death and destruction in places USA expolits for resources.
yep the media won't touch any of Biden's faults with a 10 foot pole.
Trump has been gone for 2 weeks and yet 90% of stories have to do with him
media thrives off of negativity for ratings and they can't get any of that from their precious Biden.
Oh my bad bro, i forgot this was KTT, where if you arent a staunch Democrat who dont ask questions you must be an idiot and paid by the "opps"
I thought we were holding everyone accountable for their actions, not just the side we dont like. Since the beginning ive been against Dems and Republicans, but yall keep acting like these actions have no follow-through
Have you seen what the EO's actually are?
Do you guys think he's being serious and genuinely believes this, or merely pushing the buttons he's in the position to push?
Use your noggin.
Do you guys think he's being serious and genuinely believes this, or merely pushing the buttons he's in the position to push?
Use your noggin.
He's actually dumb, lol
I don't like either Biden or Trump, but neither of them govern/governed like dictators Trump was huffing-and-puffing for 4 years and barely did anything, and Biden will do the exact same. Enjoy liberal democracy!
what a s*** thread
makes me happy to be canadian
american school system worse than most third world countries
yep the media won't touch any of Biden's faults with a 10 foot pole.
Trump has been gone for 2 weeks and yet 90% of stories have to do with him
media thrives off of negativity for ratings and they can't get any of that from their precious Biden.
They act all mighty and preach liberal democracy but when you show em the facts they got no response. They even choose to ignore the current events. Not even a month in and it's already started. Bombs being dropped on kabul and Iran hosting hizbullah party meetings with taliban (would they dare do that if trump was still president?). All these "islamic" terrorist groups, al qaeda, hizbullah, taliban, islamic republic .... were created by western secret agencies. Why? Because chaos, death and destruction in the richest region on the planet enables them to fish from muddy waters to steal the resources.
It's a fact that ISIS sold oil.. did any of your beloved mainstream news outlets ever tell you to whom they were selling it?
How about niggas stop crying about the amount of executive orders, and actually go down a list of each one and tell us why it's a bad thing and how it makes Biden a dictator.
All dude is doing is "Look at all these exec orders. Muhhh keystone pipeliiiine"
A good chunk of these are undoing things that Trump did(the nigga who tried to keep power after LOSING, something an actual dictator would do), and a lot of them are specifically COVID related.
Niggas love to leave out the context of everything and just let you come to your own conclusion based on clickbait titles like the one in this article.