I know of someone that was very close to this situation… Trump was closer to death than the media is aware of
Big T was not going out to no damn Covid
COVID making a hell of a comeback this summer
So many people I know that managed to avoid it all this time, have been getting it within the last few weeks
S***s crazy
Yep I got it for the first time a couple weeks ago
F***ing sucks how we’ve been failed man. I’m frustrated but grateful to make it out of this one relatively ok and best I can do from here is avoid another infection I guess
word stay safe out here.
word stay safe out here.
Likewise fam and same to all itt
trump thread was liter, I remember 21 savage album dropped the same night
Every piece of Trump news was an album drop
COVID making a hell of a comeback this summer
So many people I know that managed to avoid it all this time, have been getting it within the last few weeks
S***s crazy
i got it a few months ago, the first weekend i actually decided to live life and leave the house without a mask at a bar
about to go on vacay next week and plan on living life. got boosted to prepare for it hopefully i don’t catch it again
Big T was not going out to no damn Covid
Dam u calling him “Big T” u riding that d*** eh?
MF was staring death in the eyes
If he wasn't pumped with so many d**** and was just a regular citizen
Trump heading back into the oval office after trying horribly to keep his composure for the cameras:
The fact that you can't tell if this real or not
How does he do it
The fact that you can't tell if this real or not
i think it may be fake because the lou ferrigno mention seems a little too eloquent. funny either way though
Real tears
Biden falls up a stairway, falls off a bike, then catches covid in the Whitehouse. Donda 2 rollout vibes
That is not real, no f***ing way
This is pure comedy bruh