what happened to the argument between nicole and janelle? they just not gonna show it. the live feeds weren't on either
crazy how ian is under the radar and he won this s*** before
He's not as under the radar as he thinks lol he's literally a backdoor target this week if Kaysar wins veto
Feel bad for Nicole A and David just because of how universally loved they were last season just to go on all-stars and completely ruin their reputations within the fan base
Just goes to show that just because someone was really fun to watch, easy to root for, or just in general a great person, doesn't mean they were a great or even good player or that they would be fun to watch again, especially when surrounded by other all-stars. I feel like fan favorites such as Donny would be suffering the same fate had they been asked back
CBS f***ed up by inviting them and they both f***ed up by accepting the invite but from what I understand David was a last second addition because of Josh's positive COVID test. Still sucks that CBS wasn't able to cast a season full of players who were on an equal level game wise. Obviously it isn't possible to get the 16 best players of all time into the house but people like Nicole A, David, Kevin, Memphis, Davonne, Bayleigh, and Christmas have absolutely zero business being on this season and if you're going to put them on you can't put someone like Janelle in the house and expect her to succeed. She was set up for failure from the start.
If Enzo is targeting a solo Kaysar this week he loses respect for me.
He’s by himself in the game literally rn .
Go fry other fish
David might be the worst player I've ever watched
definitely worst 2 time player, arguably worst player but i know there's others
floaters grab a life vest
enzo is a terrible liar
kaysar seeing right through him
wish would dani actually consider working with him too if he stays
dani really got the whole season planned out in her head already lmao
so sad seeing kaysar fight for votes with everyone and them just running up to cody and enzo to tell them exactly what he said
like how do these people not see cody and tyler running the house
If Enzo is targeting a solo Kaysar this week he loses respect for me.
He’s by himself in the game literally rn .
Go fry other fish
Enzo is playing like a sheep behind the shield of Cody and Tyler
Give him his props for creating the best alliance in the history of BB (The Brigade) but he has absolutely sucked this season
enzo is a terrible liar
kaysar seeing right through him
wish would dani actually consider working with him too if he stays
dani really got the whole season planned out in her head already lmao
She's a f***ing moron and playing a horrible game. She should have never accepted the invite to come on this season. All she's doing is showing everyone that ED carried her to the end on BB8.
She's a f***ing moron and playing a horrible game. She should have never accepted the invite to come on this season. All she's doing is showing everyone that ED carried her to the end on BB8.
Forreal each week it gets worse for her. She is a terrific liar, but her alliance throws her name out to be backdoored more then anyone else in there alliance. Getting Janelle out was so stupid on her part. Janelle said multiple times in sincerity that she would never put her up or even vote against her to multiple people. And now she wants to target Day who has her back too? Beyond short sighted plays imo
She's a f***ing moron and playing a horrible game. She should have never accepted the invite to come on this season. All she's doing is showing everyone that ED carried her to the end on BB8.
I take solace in knowing that she has no shot at winning. It’s going to be her and Nicole left with a bunch of male comp beasts.
man if they woulda just done first to get all the balls in the holes instead of rounds kaysar woulda been safe this week smh
Cody: I only say s*** to dani that I also say to nicole
Tyler: nicole knows everything ive said cuz I only talk to dani thats why nicole and I feel so close to each other when I never say a word to her
dani's name coming out of everyones mouths :ohno:
Cody: I only say s*** to dani that I also say to nicole
Tyler: nicole knows everything ive said cuz I only talk to dani thats why nicole and I feel so close to each other when I never say a word to her
dani's name coming out of everyones mouths :ohno:
two boring ass weeks. even these all stars fell into the majority alliance trope. if kaysar wins the veto i'll take it back about this week because that would be interesting
Kaysar saying he could run laps around Tyler strategically is def funny
I think the next few weeks are going to be a bloodbath once Kaysar goes homes .
Cody/Dani/Nicole/Ian vs Tyler/Enzo/Bay/Day/??
How isn’t no one throwing Nicole and Cody’s names out there
how tf ian find out about cody/nicole being set up by derrick
watching feeds and clips they never gave off that impression
how tf ian find out about cody/nicole being set up by derrick
watching feeds and clips they never gave off that impression
Damn what I miss today ??
Need the house to target Cody/Nicole next please . How is nobody on that
Damn what I miss today ??
Need the house to target Cody/Nicole next please . How is nobody on that
ya ian told kevin that then kevin told dayvonne
cody and enzo feeling a little iffy on tyler now after he told dae that dani was going after her and said he told them but didnt tell them he said their names