how tf ian find out about cody/nicole being set up by derrick
watching feeds and clips they never gave off that impression
The other day when they was in the backyard some random person walking by yelled they was working together and then the feeds cut for few hours cus of it
watching the live feeds completely changed my opinion of bayleigh from last year but this ep brought back the b**** I know and hate
s*** might be popping off in the hoh room in a few
lmao slick 6 just all just taking turns lying to each other
why memphis acting like the committee is an actual alliance? have they even met once since they formed lmao
lol they conveniently left out the part of ian and kevins conversation where he says derrick put them together pregame
why is everyone mad at kevin and ian rn?
and I dont remember did kaysar say anything about dani going against day and bay cuz that seems out in the open now?
and how is still no one going against cody and nicole lmao
why is everyone mad at kevin and ian rn?
and I dont remember did kaysar say anything about dani going against day and bay cuz that seems out in the open now?
and how is still no one going against cody and nicole lmao
Tyler seemed to tell people last episode about Dani trying to pit him and Day against each other. but i don't watch feeds
why don't the people who aren't in this alliance make an alliance to combat this one. why doesn't this happen every season of BB. it's always super strong and deceptive players versus seemingly clueless players, except these ones know about the big alliance now. ugh lol
also why christmas. double slap in the face lmao
At work now so I haven’t watched tonight’s ep but so know on Wednesday there’s gonna be some tears
Damn didn’t know about this thread. Huge superfan tbh, enjoying this season a lot so far. Rooting for tyler tbh
so tyler wants to self evict and have xmas use the veto to put him up and vote him out. sucks cuz I was just starting to be team tyler. people in the comments on the free feed site all talking about a dani bd. please god no I need my baby to stay long enough to get her savage on
all this stuff in tonights ep between day and dani/xmas/nicole and now they made an all girls alliance lmao
so tyler wants to self evict and have xmas use the veto to put him up and vote him out. sucks cuz I was just starting to be team tyler. people in the comments on the free feed site all talking about a dani bd. please god no I need my baby to stay long enough to get her savage on
yeah if that happens this season is a wrap lol
yeah if that happens this season is a wrap lol
xmas doesn't wanna do it
they talking in hoh for 2 hours but the feeds didnt show it