F***in hate Dani
Hate Christmas
And David is truly an idiot
EDIT: actually David isn’t an idiot, I want him to use the power to save bay or day but that wouldn’t be smart bc he needs to save himself
Smh I’m sick of the whole white alliance tryna get out the black ppl
not yo ugly ass
It’s crazy how after kaysar called him out everyone still thinks they’re in with him
xmas didn’t use veto. Not sure if Tyler is still gonna leave or not
Smfh such a bullshit performance. Watch CBS edit tf out of this to give him that Brad Pitt savior role
Smfh such a bullshit performance. Watch CBS edit tf out of this to give him that Brad Pitt savior role
Idk seem pretty real to me considering he didn’t want to come in the first place. Angela has to call cbs back cuz he wouldn’t answer.
Idk seem pretty real to me considering he didn’t want to come in the first place. Angela has to call cbs back cuz he wouldn’t answer.
Meaning the whole “I wanna go home cus it’s bigger than me. BLM. You got a kid Day”...........really?
No nigga wanna go home to go cuddle his b**** lets be real
yo wtf is happening
I turn on live feeds and dae is outside yelling about trying to not yell at xmas and she pulled bae outside with her
and the boys just sitting there playing pool lmao
Wtf happened today? With Tyler
yo wtf is happening
I turn on live feeds and dae is outside yelling about trying to not yell at xmas and she pulled bae outside with her
finally some f***ing fighting, xmas and day were talking and it slowly turned into a fight, bay walked into it and day left and then xmas and bay started fighting.
Wtf happened today? With Tyler
man either xmas changed his mind or he deserves an oscar. bae and day thinking it was all to get bae out somehow
man either xmas changed his mind or he deserves an oscar. bae and day thinking it was all to get bae out somehow
I’m confused I’ll wait till Wednesday loo
I’m confused I’ll wait till Wednesday loo
bruh idk wtf is going on lmao
cant wait for the guys to get these dumbass girls out the house
ya I dont know why any of them were yelling at each other
and wtf is personal game information lmao
It’s crazy how after kaysar called him out everyone still thinks they’re in with him
kaysar corny. he wasnt even fully right
Oh s*** I forgot about this since the premier and kaysar and janelle were safe for the first week...what I miss so far?
ya I dont know why any of them were yelling at each other
and wtf is personal game information lmao
ever since I started watching BB(10 years ago with season 12) Ive always wanted black players to win or do well obviously since im black. But these black b****es they always bring back AINT it. I like davonne shes a great TV character but shes trash juice at the game, why tf do they keep bringing her back. Bayyyleigh? This b**** is olympically emotional and so ass at the game, just look at how dumb shes been this season(exposing secrets to 'enemies' etc). Dont even get me started on Davids dumb ass... These are who they are bringing to represent us blacks and they have the AUDACITY to use their race as some kind of token to try to catapult them to the end. I get it, America needs to see black excellence, but goddamnit recruit some actual excellent black players instead of these morons.