Can forget about 9/18
Why y'all thinkin a Bieber single is a reason for him not to drop Friday?
Why y'all thinkin a Bieber single is a reason for him not to drop Friday?
Because he owes JB one and an album drop simply means he will block JB's new single on Hot 100
Because he owes JB one and an album drop simply means he will block JB's new single on Hot 100
It’s also a Khaled single
Why y'all thinkin a Bieber single is a reason for him not to drop Friday?
S*** ain’t droppin Friday
Funny how Justing Bieber X Chance The Rapper is the new Drake X Lil Wayne hit machine DJ Khaled won’t stop
sept 25 is more likely at this point.
And YG is dropping on Oct 2nd so that date is crossed out
sept 25 is more likely at this point.
And YG is dropping on Oct 2nd so that date is crossed out
Yes cmon down and join we will market you and sponsor you 9/25 gang on deck 🤣
sept 25 is more likely at this point.
And YG is dropping on Oct 2nd so that date is crossed out
Yep that's what I've been saying all along, Sept 25th seems the most plausible date
If Drake picks a drop day then that's the day, a single isn't gonna stop him from dropping
Starting to think it'll be in October. I feel like October 23rd just makes the most sense at this point. Hope its earlier.
Starting to think it'll be in October. I feel like October 23rd just makes the most sense at this point. Hope its earlier.
closing on my half million property the day before and moving in on 10/23
I’ve had a Harmon Kardon onyx 3 for about 4 years now, love it.
I think I got the 2 they do my KRIT records audio justice
closing on my half million property the day before and moving in on 10/23
What we need to bring to the house warming?
drake wouldn't dare to drop the same day that keem drops
What we need to bring to the house warming?
Virginia Black and Mod Selection ah couuuurseeee