If he adds leaks we heard, then they’ll complain we already heard em
If he doesn’t, then they’ll complain he should have added that song and THEN album would be a classic blah blah blah
People gonna complain regardless
Ong I already said I want it to be as fresh as possible leaks can be filler what other fan base is eating like us tho 2020 has been a wild year for drake fans and Music videos too and a whole 14 song surprise drop and with an album on the way 🔥
IF Drake did album merch bundles with the CLB line he'd have to drop on or before 10/2... but really he'd probably want second-week merch to be included as well so it would have to be on or before 9/25
IF he was going to give a week's notice beforehand to get pre-orders in and create the merch for shipment then he's either dropping 9/18 or 9/25
Announcement this Friday and album next Friday? Would be insane
Anyone ever done stats on the days of the week that Drake announces release dates?
Nah. To keep songs fresh I'm hoping he (and he really should) changes them and adds more s***. Like how he said Not Around is on the album but the updated version. That way it doesn't matter if we heard them before because we still get a bit of a surprise and similar anticipation for it as if we never heard them. If Vital is on the album though and he hasn't added anything to it (better if he did though) then maybe he should release that as the second single.
Which is why it's always best to wait until DRAKE himself announces when HIS album will be dropping. Everyone always wants to clout chase and run off with any info they might have about when Drake might be dropping stuff but he can always change that whenever he wants.
Drake’s not worried about when people think his album is dropping. He’ll drop whenever he wants too lol
Announcement this Friday and album next Friday? Would be insane
Anyone ever done stats on the days of the week that Drake announces release dates?
You already know Friday game has more championships than tonight gang I’m already ready for my W and my L
Announcement this Friday and album next Friday? Would be insane
Anyone ever done stats on the days of the week that Drake announces release dates?
Off the top, Scorpion name and release date both came on Mondays I think. Toosie was a Monday. Obviously LNCL was Wednesday. Dark lane was Thursday. Anything before that I’m not sure. So it being an album release date we’re looking for I would think a Monday but tbh it could come any day of the week cuz it’s drake lol
You already know Friday game has more championships than tonight gang I’m already ready for my W and my L
Announcement this Friday and album next Friday? Would be insane
Anyone ever done stats on the days of the week that Drake announces release dates?
The amount of times I seen this same post but like a month ago lmaooooo
The amount of times I seen this same post but like a month ago lmaooooo
It does (technically) become more likely every week but yeah I see your point
The amount of times I seen this same post but like a month ago lmaooooo
Bro I’ve seen Friday so many times you’d think the album was dropping each week 😂
I think the most convincing though was when Drake was in NYC. People had me convinced we where getting something
Bro I’ve seen Friday so many times you’d think the album was dropping each week 😂
I think the most convincing though was when Drake was in NYC. People had me convinced we where getting something
That what makes it exciting about taking A W home or an L it’s fun doing this
Announcement this Friday and album next Friday? Would be insane
Anyone ever done stats on the days of the week that Drake announces release dates?
Think that doesnt matter, we already knew the Scorpion and Views date months prior to the drop. More Life trailer was dropped one week before on a Saturday if Im not wrong
That what makes it exciting about taking A W home or an L it’s fun doing this
People take it waaayyy too seriously when we're just trying to have fun. I'm sure no one is actually disappointed when we create theories and they don't come to fruition. It's literally just fun lol
People take it waaayyy too seriously when we're just trying to have fun. I'm sure no one is actually disappointed when we create theories and they don't come to fruition. It's literally just fun lol
True it is fun. Got people calling Nike trying to decipher messages
Asking about some event we made up 😂
True it is fun. Got people calling Nike trying to decipher messages
Asking about some event we made up 😂
The whole weeknd he was in NY was an embarrassing L
True it is fun. Got people calling Nike trying to decipher messages
Asking about some event we made up 😂
It was great, man! Kept me on here for hours that night
Kinda sus for 9/18 gang if nothing is announced in the next two days
expect something this Friday / This Weekend 😁
And don’t even get me started on SquirtReynolds.
That mans name alone was sus lol
The whole weeknd he was in NY was an embarrassing L
Colossal L man. 85 page thread for that, imagine
Announcement this Friday and album next Friday? Would be insane
Anyone ever done stats on the days of the week that Drake announces release dates?
announcement on 9/11?
i think he will announce it on september 17 then drop it the day after
but man i can't stay another 10 days without any sort of info